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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - straight guys=gogoboys???
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Old 30th October 2005, 02:17 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 12
straight guys=gogoboys???

Kiki, like you I prefer a bit of tenderness but it can be very hit and miss. I have been very lucky many times and hit on a nice guy early on and so offed him for the rest of my stay. The best one I have ever had was working in Throb and I discovered him last year on my first night in Pattaya. I returned to Throb the second night and offed him for the best part of two weeks and was sorry when it ended. I have thought of him ever since. I will be returning to Thailand in two weeks time but he has probably moved on. As I am very wary of forming a long term relationship via cheque book I didn't ask for phone number or address. I regret it now especially, with hindsight, he didn't do any of those things associated with the real money grabbers such as wanting to go shopping every day especially for gold, the latest expensive fashion clothing, or needed money for his sick mama, papa or to replace the hardworked family buffalo that had just died, etc. As the saying goes 'there is no fool like an old fool'.
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