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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   straight guys=gogoboys???

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Old 29th October 2005, 08:31 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 21

It doesn't surprise me that they take drug to get hard.
As for the straight boy matter,I'm into very muscular and attitude free guys,so I guess I have more chance to get out with a straight one,right?I'm told that in Thailand,real gay boys are usually feminine, not like here in western gay culture where being gay,you must be attitude free,and I'm usually surprised to hear that most very muscular gay white males in the gym are "bottom".I guess this is not the case in Thailand huh?
What I don't like much about those straight boys in Thailand,is I'm rather into tenderness,what means I like mutual caress,and cuddle,but the 2 guys I offed so far fucked me wildly as if they were performing the fucking show.They don't take you in their arms,stuff like that,they start the action right away,and that's what I don't like about them(I'm bottom).
How can I let them know or tell them that intercourse is ok,but not right away???
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Old 30th October 2005, 05:25 AM
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Not the right place for tendrness

Dear Kiki,
Sorry to disillusion you but I am afraid you are looking in the wrong place if lovy-dovy stuff is what you are looking for. While I have met some really professional guys who do know how to do that and earn a bonus for themselves, you have to remember that most barboys are -

1. Straight and therefore the idea of cuddling, caressing and tenderly nuzzling another guy is not something that will occur to them at all. They have to think of their girlfriends when they are "doing the business" on you, as it is.

2. Cuddling and caressing takes up time which they could spend looking for another client. Their nightly earnings are dependent on the number of clients they manage to service, so the sooner they finish, the quicker they can say "Next!"

I could go on and make a comprehensive list of reasons but I think you get the idea now. You'd have to be really lucky to find a guy smart enough to do that professionally, and it is much easier if you speak Thai and can let them know what you want.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 30th October 2005, 12:09 PM
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Hi Taoboxer,
Thanks for confirming me about my illusions.As I said before,I'm new and you might be right saying that I'm looking in the wrong place.
I'm not interested at all in Action,even if this must occur sooner or later in bed.In fact,most of time,I'm not really interested in watching the fucking show either,that I find totally lack of tenderness.One time,I had a massage given by a boy in Chiang Mai,and it happened that without I asked him anything,he went down on me and we spent the 10 minutes the most marvellous in my life.He took me tight in his arms,and did things that 2 lovers would do together.Of course,he was not my type,but maybe I was his and that's why it worked out.
What I find at most of those stunts at gogobars,is they real are beautiful but they are like beautiful dolls outside and empty inside.I might be wrong to look for tenderness in those boys,but hey,it would be nice for 2000 bahts if someone could make me believe he really loves me,I can buy their body but not my dreams,sadly!!!
Maybe this is proper to Thai boys???(and the one from Chiang Mai was the exception?),because,if you have someone in your arms you can feel what he needs without him asking you to do so or so.
Well,anyway,thanks for opening my eyes now lol
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Old 30th October 2005, 02:17 PM
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straight guys=gogoboys???

Kiki, like you I prefer a bit of tenderness but it can be very hit and miss. I have been very lucky many times and hit on a nice guy early on and so offed him for the rest of my stay. The best one I have ever had was working in Throb and I discovered him last year on my first night in Pattaya. I returned to Throb the second night and offed him for the best part of two weeks and was sorry when it ended. I have thought of him ever since. I will be returning to Thailand in two weeks time but he has probably moved on. As I am very wary of forming a long term relationship via cheque book I didn't ask for phone number or address. I regret it now especially, with hindsight, he didn't do any of those things associated with the real money grabbers such as wanting to go shopping every day especially for gold, the latest expensive fashion clothing, or needed money for his sick mama, papa or to replace the hardworked family buffalo that had just died, etc. As the saying goes 'there is no fool like an old fool'.
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Old 30th October 2005, 03:16 PM
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Hi Inboha,
I'm getting back to you before I'm getting to BED,this means for real.You see,I was being horny 1h ago right here,and I made couple of calls to escorts over here,they all state from 150 to 200 Euros(around 230 USD),for that such high price,they don't even want to outcall,those bitches!When I think over there,far far away,they do it for 2000 bahts and it is seen as a rip off!
Anyway,like you when I offed the very first guy in Bkk,I had been thinking about him for the whole year and when I got back to Thailand the following year,I went back to the same bar and he was gone for ever!
I think you shouln't have regrets.As for me,I'm not looking for longterm relationships so I have no regrets about guys who 're gone.Because,as the saying goes in my home country"1 lost,19 found",what means there are plenty of others over there to choose from,and next time you will find the right one with little of patience.My friends around me who have been spending their whole life in Asia looking for their soulmates,all they have found are deception and betrayal.Maybe the guy you still have regret was just a good comedian,that's it(maybe yes,maybe not).Now move on,and find another one!(I guess this is rule number 1 for those into Asians,don't have string attache)
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Old 30th October 2005, 09:42 PM
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A Better Idea

I think you'll have better luck trying gaydar or, dragoncastle or any of the personals sites. Although there are rentboys there, the majority are not in it for the money and as I understand it, quite a few are not looking for LTR either. A good, quick roll in the hay is what many want - perhaps with a view to more in the long run, but I have found that they don't mind short term relationships and could even end up being good acquaintances/friends eventually.

Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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Old 31st October 2005, 06:16 AM
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Another Web Site...

Right now there are 64 guys from thailand online. Many looking for a Relationship.
And a couple of guys who are upfront about being Moneyboys.
I have chatted with several Guys and plan to meet them on my next trip.
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