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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
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Old 15th December 2005, 03:45 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 1

Ok, honestly, this board explains why America is getting screwed over. I try not to judge people, but the stupidity level on this board is staggering. Some rants:

1) WTF is with it with the people on this board saying its all the Muslims fault?
Can you say racist? As a Jew, this kind of rhetoric is kinda familiar, just now its directed towards another religious group. Anyone who says its all the Muslim's fault, is frankly, without a doubt, one of the most ignorant human beings ever.

2) Bush is an idiot. I'm not saying he doesnt have smart people in his administration (think Colin Powell) who help him guide the country, or saying republicans are all idiots, but honestly, most if not all of my republican friends and family admit that Bush himself is probably one of the most ignorant and idiotic presidents we've had. This admission is only usually plied out of them in private. The republicans who dont admit this are just in denial.

3) Bush's administration manipulated the war intelligence, and lied about WMD's. Think Wilson-CIA leak, and recent charges against high Bush administration officials. Also, its been proven that Cheney pressured the CIA. And yes, I believe that purposely ignoring intelligence officials who said that its highly unlikely that Iraq had WMD's, and ignoring Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who said repeatedly they have no evidence showing WMD's in Iraq (which lead to the US trying to oust him as director, which failed. Thats hilarious) is lying to the American public.

4) The war in Iraq, which Bush has lied about repeatedly, has increased terrorism in the world, and hasnt made us safer. Listen to the thouands of intelligent officials who said this before and after the war started.

5) In clinton we had a giant surplus, and stopped deficit spending. Which the Republicans supported and bitched about (having a deficit) Haha, now, we have record deficits. So shut the fuck up about our economy please and how Bush is doing such a great job. Listen to Lou Dobbs just once please.

6) I wrote for a conservative newspaper for a few years. Even among my colleagues there, Fox news was an open joke.

7) If one person says You're unpatriotic one more time ill scream. I hate it when people say that when people complain about the war. They bring up that your unpatriotic and your not supporting the troops. First this is censuring our first amendment right. Secondly, This argument is akin to saying your not supporting our workers if their working in a dangerous work environment and your trying to get the plant owners to fix it.
As you can see, this argument makes no sense.

8) Bush has increased religion in government and by doing so has violated the seperation of church and state. He has done this by allowing religious organizations federal money when they refuse to stop discriminating based on religion (who they hire) or refuse to offer a secular alternative to their services.

I hate it when people argue this country was founded as a christian country. The idiots need to wake up.

A ton of the founding fathers were in fact Deists. not atheists or christian. Read this

It is now more favored than not by historians that in Washingtons' later life he practiced Deistic beliefs. Jefferson, among the other founding fathers, were Deists (Think Paine)

There are a lot of other things I can say, but I have so much stuff I need to do, I'll stop here. People need to wake up or do their homework. And yes, I have done my homework since about half of my family are heavy-duty influential republican backers, and whenever we see each other, political arguments fly between me and the rest of them. Whoever isnt on the ball gets destroyed. I can safely say I piss them off on a regular basis. Thank god for a near-photographic memory. Also, im not a "flaming liberal" not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm more conservative on fiscal matters (and by conservative i dont mean I back Bush's policy. Traditionally, Conservatives used to believe AGAINST having a deficit. Not this new crap that Bush is spouting. The old-style republicans are seething over this) and I'm liberal on social matters, and by this I mean I think that the conservatives on social matters have become busy-bodies and should back the hell off. My policy is that as long as your not interfering in my life, you can do whatever the hell you want. This includes abortions (its a womans body, not mine), gay marriage (im bi, and probably going to marry a woman, but i dont care who marries who), etc.

My rant is over.