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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Old Guys need sex too!
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Old 24th January 2006, 10:47 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 119
Question Aging or Ageist Attitudes?

Yes, indeed, 'Old' guys need sex just as 'Young' guys need sex. Both young and old alike need sex and to have sexual lives with other people. The aging process does not have a significant diminishing effect on our sex needs or our sex lives with other people IF we take good care of ourselves. The physical effects of aging can be minimized by good nutrition, adequate exercise, and positive mental health. The mental effects of aging can be minimized by maintaining a positive mental state reinforced by good nutrition and adequate exercise. The physical and mental effects of aging work together, synergistically.

Ageist attitudes exist in both old and young alike. For the most part, Ageist attitudes are a negative mental aspect of our state of mind. Our sense of well-being is significantly impacted by our own Ageist attitudes and the Ageist attitudes of others. There is no reason why a 66 year old male can't have and enjoy great sex if he has taken good care of himself. Regular adequate physical exercise, good nutrition, and positive mental health will slow down and minimize the effects of aging. Minimizing the negative effect of Ageist attitudes goes a long way towards maintaining a positive and healthy mental state of mind.

For some of us, the effects of Ageist attitudes are well-entrenched and reinforced by some of the prevailing societal attitudes. For example, a 66 year old male may be nearing retirement from the workforce and will soon begin drawing full-retirement benefits from Social Security in addition to any retirement income/savings from other sources. Retirement from the workforce and living on Social Security and other retirement income/savings/sources does not mean the individual's sex needs and lifestyle should also be retired as a social activity.

As a social activity, sex is a constant in our lives and it shouldn't and needn't be diminished by retirement from the workforce, collecting Social Security benefits, or the Ageist attitudes of both the old and young alike.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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