I see no harm in asking, as such. Yet, in all honesty, when it comes to the casual ONS, anonymous sex, etc., I cannot see quite very much good coming out of it either.
Quite a few guys simply do not know because they do not undergo testing at regular intervals and the truth is that you are 'basically as healthy as your last partner' unless you opted for 'safer sex'. So many do not know and many more are not in the position to really know the truthful answer to your questions.
Scruffy was right to point out that Poz dudes mostly tend to hide their status. The reasons are obvious. Indeed, there is a legal aspect to it, but when it comes to those quick ONS, encounters in the backrooms and ABSes and baths of this world, the actual practicalities of legal proceedings make the prosecution a matter of very low probability.
And, I must disagree that guys who are asked, would always divulge the truth and nothing but the truth, for the fear that this may come later on to haunt them... A lot of guys simply do not care and could not care less. Many of them reason that you happen to be an adult and that you ought to be aware of the risks your actions may contain. So, if you do not want to accept those risks, do not play the game.
So, I never bother to ask and I always, always use protection. In Europe, very, very few guys who would otherwise mess around with me, zip up and leave, once they realize that condom is a must and not an optional. In California, anywhere between 40-50% of guys just zip up and leave, cause they want it bare.
At times, this is admittedly, very discouraging. But the very thought of the consequences that may follow, even, if it is only that syph thing which is fully curable and possibly thus, rampant in San Francisco at the moment, make me cringe and stick with my 'safer sex' policies.
Just my 2 cents, guys...