The Indian version you may be referring to is Kamagra. I take it in it's liquid form (I don't know of a pill form) and it works really good.
Agreed that it works best on an empty stomach. I don't take the whole pack at one time. I find that even a quarter of a pack works well, a little 'bump' if you will, and I'm sporting wood in about 20 minutes. And an open pack doesn't spoil, at least not within a few weeks. I just keep mine in my truck.
As it affects your blood pressure, I definitely wouldn't do it with poppers. I think the extra push you get from Viagra or Kamagra, or any of the others, makes up for the feeling you get from poppers.
Honestly, I have a hard time keeping a woody with poppers, anyway. I know that's why others want to use Viagra. But I'd do poppers if you're a bottom, Viagra (or whichever one you decide upon) if you're a top.
If you really want Viagra, I'd avoid the cheap chemists. I think that Siam Drug (Patpong II) will carry Viagra. They will probably want a prescription. But you can probably get that pretty easily. At least it will be the real stuff.