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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Venice Roman Holiday
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Old 21st February 2006, 12:42 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 100
Exclamation HIT-OR-MISS - Today was almost a MISS

I thought today, a Federal holiday of Presidents' Day, that the ROMAN HOLIDAY would be a "sure bet".

I go about 3 or 4 times per year and always see every age group there.

Arrived at 2:30pm today. Club was busier than a normal Monday with the majority of the crowd in the 65 y/o to 85 y/o range, with one very fit man about 50 y/o, and then two obese men probably in their 40s.

I would have gone for the very fit 50 y/o .... his room across from mine. Heard him say, "No, thank you." to the 6 or 7 men that popped their head into his door. He finally went with one of the obese 40s y/o guys. "Muscle Dude" was a "Chubby Chaser".

Began to realize what the guy that had posted previously about this place when he was talking about being older. But I had seen every age range on every prior visits here.

I had nothing better to do today ..... so I just hung there. By 6:30p the majority that I saw there when I checked in at 2:30 had checked out by now.

Four guys then checked in almost right in a row .... two older men and then BINGO! two younger guys. Then another younger guy ...with him being the first to come into my room, brief j/o & then he left.

Then one of the other young men came into my room. A "VERY GOOD" time was had!!! Well worth the wait. Was the "frosting-on-the-cake" and the reason why one goes to such a club.

I decided to whirpool it and then a shower before I went home. Now about 8:15pm. Saw a guy whom I hadn't seen before ....he in his 40s.

I dressed and went to the check-out window just about 8:30pm as they were buzzing someone new in. He was quite the handsome guy in his 20s. Attendant checked me out and then buzzed me through the lobby door. Another young man was at window checking in. (so would have been 2 older men (65+), 1 guy in his 40s, and then 5 guys in their 20s at 8:30p)

Proves that all cruising is HIT-OR-MISS. Today was almost a MISS ...then that final HIT(s).
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