I guess, we have all been there and done that. I am wondering about the proverbial T-shirt though...
I have grown to believe that most 'flakes' have really never had any intention of meeting up at all. They seem to be getting off on all the e-mail exchange, phone calls and the knowledge that they could go on with their plans, if they seriously desired to do so. It might not be quite easy for the rest of us to understand the thrill they are deriving from those sick little plays, so we'll leave it at that.
A number of guys simply have no plan and no sense of responsibilty and/or even minimal committment. They just leave it to the last minute to decide, if they want to show up or not. Mostly, they don't. Cause, whatever they were doing at that particular moment seemed more interesting or promising than hooking up with another dude. Besides, there are thousands of chatters and thousands of online profiles around, too. So, if they do not meet up with you, they may (just may) meet up with someone else some other time. On the other hand, they may choose not to do so, depending on their whim at that moment.
There are guys who seriously want to meet up but invariably chicken out at the very last moment. They must have their reasons, too.
There are guys who are complete fakes and who really show up but you would really be never able to recognize them, cause all the stats and pix they had sent you were complete fakes. Such guys seem to want to know, who is behind that particular ad or that particular profile.
Fewer and fewer guys have a sense of common decency to phone in and say, 'sorry, cannot do'. Why bother? There are so many men online looking for a hot hook-up anyway. Right?
Few years ago, at the time when online hook-ups only started, probably 2/3 of the guys really showed up. These days, if you get to really meeting up 1/3 of the guys who promised to meet up, you are doing well.
My bottomline: online hookups are increasingly nothing else but a mere waste of time. Sure, you can strike gold. The likelihood of which is dwindling.
So, real life and real time cruising is coming back big time...
Just my 2 cents...