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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Getting Stood Up
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Old 4th March 2006, 05:26 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

You could also give yourself a 45 minute late rule.

I've been employing this rule for a couple years now, but I allow an hour (Jacksonville has some big-ass city-limits, and lots of guys are even willing to meet from much further than that, so... an hour LATE is ample time to know I'm being stiffed).

It depends on WHERE the guy says he is driving from, though. I will usually tell the dude online first that I'll allow leeway for drive-time and the possibility that he might get lost. I'll give him my number and tell him to call for directions if he needs to, or to let me know he'll be more than an hour late. If I hear nothing and he doesn't show -- I'll either not answer the door at all or more likely, greet him and tell him to forget it. Most of the time, though -- if a dude doesn't show up in an hour after the arranged time, he's never showing up at all.

I actually met a dude online who lived in my own apartment complex. His building was walking distance (the complex is huge and covers a couple miles, but he was close). He said he'd be over in ten minutes -- enough time to walk it and enough time to leisurely get ready and drive over.

I think he showed up ninety minutes later. I had given up entirely and went outside to walk the dog. I see this car drive by and the guy looking at me with the dog. He parked and got out, shirtless, and walked to my apartment as I was returning with the dog.

"Dude," I told him. "You've got to be kidding. You're over an hour late and you live five minutes away. I'm going to bed, nothing's happening tonight."

He apologized but offered no explanation. I was stunned that he showed up at all.

Thing was... he was a hot fucker. Not my "dream cub," but a young dude with great body who claimed he was a cum pig, so that works for me. I was tempted to let him come inside anyway, but his rudeness and lateness had really ticked me off, so I had to send him packing.

Admittedly, though... I told him to try me again sometime. Hell, he lives RIGHT there! But I've never heard from him again. Oh, well.

PS: I was also "kicked out" by a DIFFERENT dude who ALSO lived in my complex, but this was about five years ago, just after my ex took off. We had talked online but he had no photos to swap. So he invites me over to his apartment and says that we'll meet and "see how it goes." Guess he wasn't into me -- after ten minutes of boring conversation, he says "the sex thing isn't going to happen, but I enjoyed meeting you."

Uh... OK. What a bunch of shit. I DID think he was decent-looking, but he sure wasn't anything special. It was hard NOT to take it personally, since the dude was saying he was not attracted to me, but... I got over it fast. Clearly, not everyone is into me and that's just life and is the same for everyone out there.

I have personally asked dudes to leave MY place, but not based on appearance. If they have claimed to be something they are not, or otherwise make me feel creepy -- they've got to go.

I went to meet two different dudes a few years ago... One gave me an address and when I arrived, the house was black and he never answered the door -- chickenshit. The other had the whole house blazing with every light on, cats wandering around empty food bowls on the front porch, and loud music blasting from the back. I rang the bell several times but no answer. A neighbor was staring at me from across the street, so I felt it was wise to just take off.

Have run into MANY guys who cruise me HARD and then back off when they get the go-ahead. Some will go so far as to join me in a booth and then chicken out, giving the same, old "uncomfortable" line. I suspect they are mostly closet-cases and I don't give them much thought, though I don't appreciate being used as part of their own, personal "test my sexual identity" experiment. Mostly I feel sorry for them.
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