The other massage thread is getting quite long, so let's start over.
I went to Apsara Day Spa on Silom yesterday evening. For those of you who don't know, it's on Silom....about half-a-block before the Burger King.
I've been there before and have always been able to get a happy matter what. But, yesterday, for the first time, when I went into the reception area, they actually did a boy line-up and I got to pick my own lad. That's the first time they've ever done that.
Virtually every guy in the line-up looked gay. They've got all types on order. The guy I picked had just (like 10 seconds before I picked him) been picked by another customer, so he wasn't available.
I chose a lad named Kom. (You can ring him directly on 087-675-7951.) He was a really decent massage guy. He was MOST happy to get naked, but INSISTED that he was worth 2000 baht. I, for one, don't like it when they demand money before a performance. However, I went with the flow. Once we got that issue settled, he had NO problem at all in getting a really nice hard-on (his cock is quite small) and was MOST happy to fuck me as well as he could. He did as he was told and came on my chest.
So, in conclusion, I'll DEFINITELY go back to Apsara. They've got LOTS and LOTS of guys on offer. The guys all look quite nice. They've got all types. I won't go for Khun Kom again, only because of his demand for so much cash.
I'd recommend you take a chance and try this place.