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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 22nd October 2007, 01:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Last sat. evening, instead of going first to the more usual bars, clubs, discos. etc. etc. I betook myself to the newish 'PRIME ON SIX.' massage parlor, about wch. I've written before after I'd been taken around for an initial look-see.
- I arr'd. about 20.40hrs., to be greeted by their owner/mngr. 'Khun Boi.'.
- I asked for a 90 mins. oil massage and said that I'd prefer a masseur who likes giving oil-massages, likes massaging men and who doesn't smoke cigarettes.
- As this is still their opening and promo. period I was charged just 500.Bh..
- Masseur CHAT was allocated to me: 24YO. from I-San, smallish body, and who speaks v. ltd. English.
- We went up to the 2nd. fl. where I was shewn into the adequately sized room with the std. massage table, variable lighting, soft bkgd. music and wch. has its own att'd. shower room.
- After the shower I was covered from head to foot by a large and white towel before the masseur began a throrough massage that with a certain amt. of att'n. being spent on my glutes. my hopes were raised.
- I presume that the purpose of the towel was to keep me warm as the air-cond's. t'stat. was set to 24C. - possibly for the clothed masseur's benefit? The towel was turned back/down as necessary to reveal just that part of my body being massaged.
- Having massaged my back the masseur's hands and fingers moved lower down; again it was not only my hopes that were raised as from time to time his fingers massaged my ****. However,while it was alright for my hands to pat his sweet little *rs*, stroke his body and legs, feeling for his **** was discouraged.
- Towards the end of the massage he asked me if my massage was for two hrs.? By dint of writing several times 90 and 1 1/2. on his palm I conveyed that I'd asked for just 90mins..
- The masseur's shirt and trousers stayed on throughout.
- Afterwards, and downstairs by reception, I talked with some young lady who speaks fair English and observed about this apparent lack of communication over the period of my massage.
We chatted, too, about advertising and publicity, especially as I was asked if I'd noticed their large and advertising banner that was hanging outside, at roughly an est'd. 15x6ft. one can hardly miss seeing it!
- I think that in accordance with estab'd. principles that I'll give it two MORE chances before making any final verdict.
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