Originally posted by sloot
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It looks as if this business has to rely primarily on first-time visitors for a long while before repeat business (if any) keeps it afloat. Hence advertising is essential for the business to take off.
It needs to be advertised in gay publications and websites.
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However, Indra's problem may simply be this: it's not clear to customers what the product offer is: located on the same soi as Tawan, people may expect a "get-straight-to-the-point" massage and play act, yet they offer something less than that (unless the customer is as forthright as Sextile). So Indra may be LOSING repeat business simply for that reason.
First rule of business: is your product what the market wants?
-- Thus, to comply with this '
First Rule of Business.' 'INDRA MASSAGE.' should survey its customers to find-out what's 'Needed & wanted.'.
- Then, that having been done, it should prepare to deliver.
- But, from my conversations with the MamaSan, that's unlikely to happen for reasons best known to herself.
- Equally I'd say that talking with her about advertising would be a waste of breathe. I doubt if she's even bothered to contact '
Sp*rt*c*s Guide.', as I suggested several weeks ago, for a free entry therein.
-- I daresay that most of 'TAWAN MEN's BAR.' customers are hankering after muscled types, whereas most of 'INDRA's' masseurs are of a slimmer and slighter build - hence the former's customers are unlikely to be the latter's, too.
-- Well, it's
not my business; but that having been written I wouldn't like to see it fail.
-- As an aside I see that yet another Massage Parlor has opened in that area: in the same newly built block as 'PRIME ON SIX.' - but it looks to be MORE of a
girlie place?
-- bibi. --