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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
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Old 9th December 2007, 01:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 158
Difference between oral and anal sex

There is a local concept of 'big sex' (anal penetration) which takes one closer to being seen as 'gay' (if only you are the one being penetrated, compared to 'little sex' (oral, hand jobs etc) which is seen part of growing up for many thai boys (and I guess in all cultures).

My old friend Khun ....., the owner of a now defunct but long running local gay magazine explained this to me years ago. He also mentioned that Thai culture in a way endorses boys 'learning' about sex from each other, rather than having sex with girls (because of risk of prgenancy, and because girls should be virgins when they marry, and simply because men are the dominant gender and they should do whatever pleases them).

But it also needs to be said, the notion that 'all Thai boys have sex with Thai boys' (as many farang would like to believe). if not true (again from my gay magazine friend).

In fact I could fill these pages with volumes of insights he shared with me about male/male sex, the other side of the bar boys trade, hay hi-society parties,etc., etc.
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