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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage
Thread: Massage
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Old 6th April 2008, 05:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

Finding the perfect erotic massage with just a hand job is a crap shoot, at best. Virtually ALL of the guys at most places will be happy to give you a hand, and MOST of them will be thankful to you if they don't have to get naked or you don't ask them to mount you like a palamino. So, the hand job is fairly easy.

It's the "good" massage before the hand job that's tricky. I've been repeat business for massage guys who were stellar the first time I was there who turned out to be terrible thereafter.

So, unfortunately, it's a "pig-and-a-poke" to find a masseur that suits your fancy. Once you do, hang on to him. Get his mobile phone number and give him yours (if you're so inclined). Often-times, these guys move around a lot and it can be difficult to keep up with them.

(Also, let me mention that I think you did the exact right thing by establishing that a hand job is only worth THB 1,000. Set the ground rules early and don't stray from them. Stick to your guns. These guys have got more stories than Carter has liver pills. Don't believe them. If a hand job is worth THB 1,000 that's it.....full stop!)
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