Originally Posted by sloot
a friend of mine who made the mistake of taking him recently said he demanded 1800 - 2000 and got aggressive about it too.
Originally Posted by buzzard
...one of those "just laid there" types... he whined and demanded 1,500.
Well in defense of the bar, not any particular boy,
Hot Male is where I found the guy I was taking off regularly (and who has since been retired from the gogo business). He is a real gem, both in terms of performance and personality.
While I have done my share of offing over the years, I haven't taken off the hundreds of boys that some of you apparently have. Nonetheless, despite having taken off a few who needed to consider a career move, I've never encountered a boy who was aggressive, whiny or demanding.
Not sure if it's down to luck or my subsconscious selection process or if some people just bring out the worst in others. Possibly the starting point for a graduate research-based thesis:" Aggression Triggers Amongst Thai
Comfort Boys."