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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bar reports - BKK
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Old 16th August 2008, 08:57 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

-- Y'day. evening, (sat.), after supping in DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.), where there was about a score of us, I went to FRESH BEACH BOYS, in Soi T'light., whither I hadn't been for many a long month, (possibly getting-on for nearly a yr. or so.),.
- ETA.: approx. 22.20hrs.;
- Drinks: 250.oo.Bh.;
- MORE R&F. a go-go boyz than spectators. The R&F. boyz are the usual run-of-the-mill types with a majority of mostly younger and twinkier types. I noted that the R&F. boyz were in two gps. that changed-over en masse from time-to-time.
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.30.hrs..
1.- 3 boyz in camo. trousers danced;
2.- 2 boyz in v. tight fitting & black trousers danced in the company of a lip-synching katoey;
3.- 2 semi-hunk boyz, oiled and smooth-skinned, posed; they were followed by a couple of others in the usual shower-scene and simul'd s*x;
4.- Another dancing act;
5.- BCS. with six boyz, who all wore briefs wch. they pulled-down - #4., (Roj*.), being the best endowed and the only one who seemed to take any pleasure in exhibiting his assets - of apparent good size, that's for sure;
6.- 3 dancing boyz were joined by 3 from the BCS.
- Hse. lts ON again at 23.10.hrs..
-- The young bar-capt'n. who joined me from time-to-time, complained of lack of customers, to wch. I replied diplomatically that that was probably because it's still the LOW and non-tourist season. Truth I think that it was MORE because of a lack-lustre show.

-- * Khun Roj is always willing to sit with a customer, preferably in a back row where he's quite happy to allow one's fingers to do some exploration - but one should not behave or go as far as though one were in SUPER A., (Soi Anuman.), for example!
- A long time ago I invited him to accompany me back to my app't.. Away from any possible artificial means of enhancement he isn't much better endowed than the avg. Th. boi whom one might expect to see in a BCS.. His performance wasn't anything to write home about - but adequate enough.
-- Bibi.. --
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