During this time Jupiter and X have had "reveal all"shows,though not special shows.
One wonders if the police excuse isn't just being trotted out by staff.I simply don't know but I think some businesses like to experiment with meaness,oops,rational economics a lot.And that new sign outside about amalgamations of shows would have to be organised a little ahead of the current situation.The anxiety about small crowds was palpable the week before the crackdown. keeping an open mind.
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I have only just read the bar review that casino 100 posted on 30 May and was surprised to read that the mamasan Lek (he of the outsize jacket!) was said to have left. I too thought him a very nice man, and on my previous visits to Bangkok found Solid one of the happiest places to go for a drink and company.
During my last visit in the first 3 weeks of May I spent only a day or two in Bangkok, but I made a point of popping in to Solid to say hello to him. I saw immediately there were only 5 or 6 boys there, and when Lek came up to me I told him I'd called in specially to see him and have a drink with him. Though smiling in welcome, he was very subdued and looked pale. Eventually he told me he had had a heart attack, nearly died, that now he was back, but 'live with medicine'. I did not ask too many questions, but I'd be inclined to think that the decline of Solid was linked to his illness. The few boys did a bit of energetic dancing for me, but I was not looking to take anyone off, and kept the smiles on their faces with tips all round. When I left, Lek became quite emotional when thanking me for coming to see him and saying goodbye. So, I am looking for news. Casino100 posted on 30 May, about 10 days after my visit; but he may have been reporting about a much earlier date - that is before I revisited Solid. Perhaps Lek went back to work after casino's visit. Or perhaps... Does anyone on the spot have any news about the nicest mamasan I have ever come across?
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I'm hopeless at names...but have visited Solid (and its predecor which used to be opposite Tawan Bar) for many years. The very skinny mama-san (he of the oversized jacket who I first met at the previous bar) was indeed very ill and disappeared for a few months last year. He's still there, but the other very nice mamasan (slightly moon faced and always smiling ) has returned to his home in the south of Thailand (I think he was called Lek?)
I was there about 10 days ago and offed quite a tall and well built boy - not a typical Solid twink. He was very sweet and Solid will remain a favourite as long as can rasie a smile!!
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-- Y'day., (sat.), evening - after a supper in DICK'S. CAFE., (LESS than a dozen of us in there at around 21hrs.), I spoke with my young friend Khun Man of FRESH BEACH BOYS, who confirmed that his a go-go bar was not having any f*cking shows for the present; I didn't ask him for the reason why not.
-- Bibi.. --
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-- Last evening, (sat.), I was in Soi Twilight and saw the the former FRESH BOYS X had CLOSED-DOWN; it was roughly opp. to FUTURE BOYS.
- In its stead there is now - - SIAM ANGEL BOY; - loc'n.: Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.; - drinks: 200.oo.Bh.; - 'Off' fee: 400.Bh.; - 1st. show: 22.oo.hrs.; - contact: (081)- 285 6187.; (089)-058 8826. - I enquired about a bold/f*cking show and was told: 'No.'. - E&OE.. -- Usual disclaimer. -- I checked with my young friend in FRESH BEACH BOYS - no bold show in there. either. ![]() -- Bibi.. --
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... . -- SIAM ANGEL BOY; - loc'n.: Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.; - drinks: 200.oo.Bh.; - 'Off' fee: 400.Bh.; - 1st. show: 22.oo.hrs.; - contact: (081)- 285 6187.; (089)-058 8826. ... . -- A week having elapsed, and time enough for the mngmnt. to have sorted-out any initial snags I thought that y'day., (sat.), evening would be as good a time as any for my first visit thither. - I supped in DICK'S. CAFE.: just about a dozen of us there. -- To SIAM ANGEL BOY, ETA. approx. 21.45.hrs.; - Possibly half-a-dozen or so other spectators; MORE drifted-in as the evening wore-on; - Drinks at 200.oo.Bh. each; incl. was a small basket of salted almonds and spicy potato straws; - About 15 or so R&F. a go-go boyz, all wearing white briefs with orange lacing on both sides: let's say that the majority are on the younger side and slim - not necessarily queanie or effem. though; #33. was the only one to try and to catch my att'n.: a tall and slim youth; - 22.hrs. came and went; later-on some announcement made over the Lo-Fi PA. sys.? Many mins. later another announcement?? - 22.28.hrs. hse. lts. dimmed; silver curtain around the stage lowered and the usual intro. music played; - 1st. act - 4 boyz wearing wh. briefs writhed around on stage and poured oil on themselves; after a while 3 removed their briefs, avg. endowed; the boyz divided into two prs. for some carressing and fondling, followed by the usual exagerated and simul'd. s*x show; - 2nd. - 3 boyz in wh. briefs; two sprayed the other with soda-water before removing his briefs, well enough hung for a TH. boi, and doing some smoking; - 3rd. - A dozen or so boyz for the BCS.; most of them wore transparent and plastic rain-coats, the majority seemed reluctant to open them fully to shew-off their assets; one wore a cook's apron and another his briefs. The PA. sys. - for those who have sharp hearing - told those of us who could u'stand. it, Th. & English, the boyz' nos.. For a show such as that one longed for Khun Wee, formerly of X-Boyz, who - whatever his mental temperament - was MORE than willing to shew: 'If you've got it - flaunt it!; - 4th. - 2 boyz in the Bold show; there being no rings or ladders etc. it was all very basic ground work on stage; afterwards the pr. circulated amongst us voyeurs, enabling us to shew our approbation! Really, both have a lot to learn in order to present a good show. The T*p was #15. - a so-so looking young man, not overly well-endowed but who performed adequately enough in his way. - Hse. lts. came-on at 23.06.hrs.. -- Both staff and spectators were smoking cigarettes, :-( -- I was told that the 2nd. show would be around midnight. -- Bibi.. --
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-- Y'day.,(sat.), evening - after supping in DICK'S CAFE., (Soi Twilight.), where there were about a couple of dozen happy eaters: business is starting to look-up slowly - I met Khun Ho - a Bar Capt. for X-BOYS, (Soi T'light.), - who told me that there would be no bold/f*cking shows therein but still the BCS..
-- My young and 21YO. aquaintance Bia, who started working as a R&F. boi in FUTURE BOYS a few days ago - he was convinced that he could earn MORE money that way: ha! - is complaining that it is the LOW season and patrons who wish to off boyz are few! - Before, when he was telling me about working there I reminded him of an earlier time when he worked in LUCKY BLUE STAR, (RIV. rd.), and how unhappy and unlucky he was there - but 'Hope springs eternal in the human breast, ... .', and it's not for me to discourage the young and money-minded Thai boi. - Now he's just rec'd. his call-up papers to join the Army for his Nat'l. Svce., so he's homeward bound to I-San. -- Bibi.. --
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-- Y'day. evening, (sat.), after supping in DICK'S. CAFE., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.), where there was about a score of us, I went to FRESH BEACH BOYS, in Soi T'light., whither I hadn't been for many a long month, (possibly getting-on for nearly a yr. or so.),.
- ETA.: approx. 22.20hrs.; - Drinks: 250.oo.Bh.; - MORE R&F. a go-go boyz than spectators. The R&F. boyz are the usual run-of-the-mill types with a majority of mostly younger and twinkier types. I noted that the R&F. boyz were in two gps. that changed-over en masse from time-to-time. - Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.30.hrs.. 1.- 3 boyz in camo. trousers danced; 2.- 2 boyz in v. tight fitting & black trousers danced in the company of a lip-synching katoey; 3.- 2 semi-hunk boyz, oiled and smooth-skinned, posed; they were followed by a couple of others in the usual shower-scene and simul'd s*x; 4.- Another dancing act; 5.- BCS. with six boyz, who all wore briefs wch. they pulled-down - #4., (Roj*.), being the best endowed and the only one who seemed to take any pleasure in exhibiting his assets - of apparent good size, that's for sure; 6.- 3 dancing boyz were joined by 3 from the BCS. - Hse. lts ON again at 23.10.hrs.. -- The young bar-capt'n. who joined me from time-to-time, complained of lack of customers, to wch. I replied diplomatically that that was probably because it's still the LOW and non-tourist season. Truth I think that it was MORE because of a lack-lustre show. -- * Khun Roj is always willing to sit with a customer, preferably in a back row where he's quite happy to allow one's fingers to do some exploration - but one should not behave or go as far as though one were in SUPER A., (Soi Anuman.), for example! - A long time ago I invited him to accompany me back to my app't.. Away from any possible artificial means of enhancement he isn't much better endowed than the avg. Th. boi whom one might expect to see in a BCS.. His performance wasn't anything to write home about - but adequate enough. -- Bibi.. --
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I attended the 10.30 show at Dream Boys last night. Although the crowd was quite sparse (no more than 35 of us at show time), they did a one-hour show. There was no fucking show at all, but the big cock show was done naked. They had 14 lads who displayed their goods. Also, a bunch of katoeys did a modeling stint which concluded with all of them naked...and hard.
Drinks cost THB 250 each...and there are signs to that affect posted everywhere. Elsewhere, I tried the new bar called Siam Angel Boys. One time in there will be enough for me. There were only 2 of us customers and approximately 20 lads. Tattos everywhere seemed to be the order of the day. And, the place was quite loud. However, my orange juice (fresh squeezed at that) was only THB 200.
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Billinbkk & sextile - thank you for your reports. While I haven't been in Siam Angel yet, your reports on customer numbers kind of support my view about how the gogo bars took a wrong turn sometime back and are still struggling to get out of their of hole. They used shows to draw in the crowds. As this strategy succeeded, they paid more and more attention to doing their shows and neglected their original business - selling boys. But now, people may be getting jaded with shows, which are also expensive to put up. Still, shows continue to attract what traffic they can get (as Billinbkk reports, 35 in Dreamboy, 2 in Siam Angel), whereas the offing business has been so neglected for so long, the customers have mostly gone elsewhere. Will they be able to get them back?
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I popped into Screw Boy bar (Patpong) last night. Only 3 of us there for the 10 pm dance routine....no big C show and about half the number of boys on offer. Solid also very quiet and the busiest was Super A with lots of boys and cocks in evidence. This week I'm staying in BKK 5 star and not up for any hotel hassles so just enjoyed j/o a horny 19 y.o. in the back row while 2 others tried to get into my pants. Drinks there still only 100 bht and while the boys are rough and the rooms unspeakable, plently of slutty fun to be had in the bar.
The previous night picked up one of my regulars at Lucky 777 in Pattaya. There was a good selection of juicy guys there and I was tempted to do a "multi buy" but my boy was shy and as he gives me the best blow job I've had, I resisted! I still think Pattaya has a better selection than BKK, cheaper drinks and always new boys on offer.
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