Well... I just wanted to share my experience about this guy #11. It was better than sex in some ways...
Just went back to Tawan over the weekend, after weeks of fantasizing about the musclemen there.
It was raining slightly when I arrive, but I quickly settled down with a beer and looked around. I saw #11 again, whom I had offed just once before. Back then I was quite disappointed with the outcome (being new to Tawan and this off-ing thing) as he was quiet most of the time back then, and didn't want to do much. So, I just looked around the room admiring the other boys, but then, I had a pleasant surprised when he smiled at me as he walked down from the stage. Plucking my courage, and with my expectations lowered from my first time, I said hi to him and asked him to sit and talk.
He's actually gained more mass (not fat, coz he told me he's bulking up for Dec competition) which actually I like more, as he looked like those Japanese stocky musclemen. Second time round, he seemed more at ease (actually, so was I! but he didn't know that), and we just had a casual but very good banter. He was asking the usual questions about where I was staying, when I arrived, etc., and we just talked. He actually laughed good humouredly when I said I was hungry and hoping to find good fried noodles (pud thai). We then talked about thai food. Somehow the chemistry was good this time round. So, when I just mentioned if he was on diet, and he said no, then I asked where to find the noodles, and he said just next to Montien hotel, then I said why don't you join me, and he said yes, and before I knew it, we were happily eating pud thai, fried chilli basil beef rice and fried oysters at the hawker stalls there. I didn't even see the usual show at Tawan. Just 150 Baht including drinks, and it was quite delicious for my standard.
So far so good. After supper, the rain was drizzling again and I was torn between asking him back to my room or just tipping him and ending off the so-far-so-good evening on a nice note. Well, I couldn't keep myself from lusting him, so at the risk of spoiling a nice evening with good local hawker food and nice conversation, I decided to bring him back to the room.
So, back in the room, #11 showered (gave me a chance to oogle further), and asked if he could give me a massage. I was surprised he took more initiative this time, as the last time, he hardly even smiled which made his already macho face look stern. So, I just laid there and he gave a strong and decent back massage. Nothing sexy there... But when I rolled over I just started talking again, and something amazing happened. (Okay, for those who are only after steamy sex, you will be disappointed, but if you want to find good company read on...) We started talking again about each other, and I even lay on his huge thunder thighs and looked up his face. It rained heavily outside by now, and it just felt very cozy and intimate for me snuggling up to his huge and warm body (I'm surprised his body is always warm even in the aircon)
Found out more about him... Apparent he is not born gay (not a surprise after reading the forums), but he said he doesn't mind gays, and he prefers to make me feel good and give me an orgasm instead. He also said he liked talking to me. I told him that I was disappointed from my first off with him, and he actually said sorry and look apologetic. He explained he doesn't really like to french kiss and doesn't like to be touched in the anal area, as it doesn't give him a high (even with a woman). He was honest and it just made me feel much better and more comfortable with him.
By then, it was quite late already (almost 12AM), and I was thinking about sending him off with a 1500THB tip, when he suddenly asked if he could make me cum as we were talking. Of course, I said yes (ha ha..) He then surprised me by slowly kissing and licking my chest, nipples, and stomach and thighs up and down, taking his time, as I laid on his thighs still. He was actually quite good with his tongue, but we didn't kiss as he said he didn't like to. But I got more and more turned on, as I watched his eyes look at me from time to time, and he really seemed genuinely wanting to make me happy and it excited me. He used his other 2 hands to stroke my legs, and inner thighs, and proceeded to jack me off while licking my nipples when I got really hard. After a while, I came in his huge rough hands, and I noticed him looking intently at my face as I was reaching a climax. When I finished, he went into the toilet to get tissue to gently wipe me off.
All in all, I was satisfied and this time I had a good time. It didn't feel transactional, and I had fun and full at the waist and also six inches below the waist as well.

I tipped him 2000 THB, and he didn't ask for more. I actually kinda missed him when I closed the door behind him as he gave me a smile and said goodnight. I glanced at the time and it was 1AM - Wow! Slept like a baby that night. Not exactly full of passionate sex, but it was still good. Is this as good as it gets from Tawan Bar? I don't mind experimenting a few more times to see if they "open" up more when I get to know them...