Marriage? Give it a break!
I did not avow to be a homo just to get married. Would all you pro-marriage queens give it a break please? Some of us actually believe in gay lib and that doesn't include partaking in an institution built around control and oppression.
If we must deal with this issue, how about we advocate taking apart marraige? If two people want to enter into a legal contract, allow the state to issue a license thru a lawyer or justice of the peace or something like that, but why should anyone go into a church to do this? The state should NOT be in the buisness of advocating any event in a church building. Hello? We're a secular nation, no???
I don't know what bugs me more: the fact we're wanting to be included in such an historically egregiouis institution or that we want to encourage more church/state interference.
Get with the program, guys. Gay men should be about ending marriage, not spreading the harm it brings to more and more people. Look who is behind all this. I smell lawyers.