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Message Board > Cruiser Lounge > Cruising to Talk   Marriage? Give it a break!

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Old 23rd November 2008, 03:39 PM
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 21
Exclamation Marriage? Give it a break!

I did not avow to be a homo just to get married. Would all you pro-marriage queens give it a break please? Some of us actually believe in gay lib and that doesn't include partaking in an institution built around control and oppression.

If we must deal with this issue, how about we advocate taking apart marraige? If two people want to enter into a legal contract, allow the state to issue a license thru a lawyer or justice of the peace or something like that, but why should anyone go into a church to do this? The state should NOT be in the buisness of advocating any event in a church building. Hello? We're a secular nation, no???

I don't know what bugs me more: the fact we're wanting to be included in such an historically egregiouis institution or that we want to encourage more church/state interference.

Get with the program, guys. Gay men should be about ending marriage, not spreading the harm it brings to more and more people. Look who is behind all this. I smell lawyers.
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Old 23rd November 2008, 05:29 PM
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Don't you know? We're not respectable enough for this "movement." I mean hello! Just look at my username. The gays are seriously ashamed of my choices.
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Old 2nd December 2008, 08:57 AM
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Talking Protect Marriage; Ban Divorce

This is meant as satire I suppose, but I think it is a logical next step to fight anti-gay marriage ballot inititiatives. Place it on the ballot or at least make the attempt and see how all those hetero's feel then. Watch them back off rather quickly from all those high-minded positions on the sanctity of marriage.

I'm sending a copy of this to my divorced brother who thinks gay marriage is the end of marriage. Yeah, right!

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Old 9th December 2008, 04:34 PM
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Has Pat Boone gone crazy? He tries to compare gay people protesting in the USA over Prop 8 to the horrible carnage in Mumbai! And then he claims that no change in rights in this country came about as the result of civil unrest and violence (note to Pat: read about the Civil War or go to Memphis or Selma to visit historic sites of where rights were won in no small part after unrest and violence).

The irony to me is that if one must find a link between Prop 8 and Mumbai it is that between fundamentalist beliefs of religious fanatics hell bent on forcing the rest of us to abide by religious law. They do it with bullets in India. They do it at the ballot box in America.
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Old 11th December 2008, 02:07 PM
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Cool Wanda Sykes

OK, no big fan here for marriage, but I am a big fan of Wanda Sykes who came out as a result of Prop 8 passing. She was funny on Leno last night about the whole gay thing:

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Old 25th February 2009, 08:53 AM
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This editorial on gay marriage in the NY Times over the weekend really angered me.

Basically, the two writers offer a compromise that involves letting religion not honor our marriages. The article points out that similar compromise has been reached on matters of accommodations and employment, allowing religious people to violate protections others must honor. To me, this compromise is just not OK anymore. We've seen how working with religion to give them some extra consideration doesn't stop their hate speech and involvement in political campaigns that defeat our causes. Why continue attempting to reach a compromise with a group that is not going to change?

Our civil liberties should rarely, if ever, be a source to compromise in my humble opinion. Especially on the issue of marriage, force organized religion to come up with an honest reason why we should not be allowed to marry. Other than some inaccurate claims about biblical teachings, they can't find an argument not based on the bible. That would seem to give us the upper hand because we're right and we know the argument is ultimately on our side.

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Old 25th February 2009, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Sugar Daddy View Post
I did not avow to be a homo just to get married. Would all you pro-marriage queens give it a break please? Some of us actually believe in gay lib and that doesn't include partaking in an institution built around control and oppression...
You might like Yasmin Nair's perspective here:
The Bilerico Project | How Gay Marriage Put an End to Gay Sex
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