My motto is never lend more money than you can afford to lose.
Even if the person is your best friend, put the loan terms in writing with both parties and a witness signing it. That is what I did when I was hurting for money many years ago and had to borrow from a friend. I did not want to ruin the friendship, so it was I who insisted on a legal business transaction in writing.
Back to the subject of loaning money to "boys". Twice in my 6 years of living here have I been approached to loan money AND I honored the I only loaned a few thousand....less than what was requested in order to test the waters.....all was repaid....but a week late. The other, I had become really good friends with and since he had just completed weekend high school, I gave him the money instead as a graduation gift......he is now in university and out of the bar proud of him.
All other requests, I have politely turned down.
The point to this rambling message......don't paint all the boys with one negative stroke.....each and every situation is your own instincts, but also be careful.
As an aside, this does not only apply to Thai boys, a good farang friend (yes, we are still friends believe it or not) still owes me a sizeable chunk of money from a few years ago (high 5 baht). I doubt I will ever see it, but this was one of the few times I did not put it in writing.....the optimist in me knows I will eventually get it back.....but I just do not know when it will be.