Originally Posted by Yannawa
Wouldn't alcohol be a good thing from the point of view of fighting germs/bacteria? They use alcohol frequently in hospitals for wound and hand hygene. If I was going to smoke an Indra massage boy, I would certainly want a lot of alcohol before and after.
Khun Yannawa,
- Thank you for your obsvns.; agreed with you about alcohol being used in hospitals on swabs
etc, etc..
- When I was working in KSA. it was a point of amusement to us foreigners that the alcohol used on hospitals' swabs was treated specially so as to make it unpleasant to drink - lest someone obtain a large supply of swabs - either new or used - and then try to express the liquid for their own consumption.
- I u'stand. - from another and non-medical source - that in mouth-washes any alcohol is MORE of an assistant to the medium used for the other constituents and is
not used primarily as a biocide/germicide.
- But I write under corr'n. from a practising and medical professional.
-- Your joke about the boyz in INDRA MASSAGE noted, I larfed: ha! Ha!!

- if only others were as witty, and could use a good joke to make their point.
- As an aside I was reminded of Dr. Johnson's rebuff to Lord Sandwich when the latter tried to make a joke at the Dr's. expense:
'Sir, a joke in your mouth is no laughing matter.'.
Bibi.. --