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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Deaf mutes.
Thread: Deaf mutes.
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Old 24th February 2009, 08:49 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

Originally Posted by josh4u View Post
they just group togehter. I like the comment of yannawa- that he almost forgot this boy had a handicap as there are tons of other ways to communicate. I think that its very difficult for them to find a local partner or have casual sex with them as so far I never saw this happen Asians discriminate a lot in this way. so they look for farangs who are more open. Sexwise they can be great for sure as they compensate with their body what they lack in speaking and hearing. If u dont like them also no big deal just be extra nice when u decline - just toutch their hand or so - than they know you dont rejct them just because they have a handicap
Very nicely said. Communication can include so much more than words.
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