-- Over a score or MORE years ago in GEORGETOWN, Pulau Pinang, I met a young malay: muslim, deaf mute and well-endowed. A recent photo. shews that's he's retaining still his Peter Pan looks & figure.
- I gather that in G'TOWN. there's quite a thriving & multi-racial community of such people who get together often, attend eachother's family celebrations and so on. -- While living in the RP. for approx. five yrs. I didn't meet any such people -- Several months ago in BKK's. BABYLON SAUNA I observed a gp. of young & twinkie looking deaf mutes frolicking in the pool. - A few weeks ago a mature & American friend and I were chatting together in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA - Chester's Grill - and observing a young man whose hair was never colored that hue by Mother Nature and whose gen'l. deportment was equally eye-catching. My friend invited him to accompany him back to his app't.. I was told a certain amt. at our next meeting, (modesty prevents me from recounting it here - the hand of discretion ... .): anthor deaf mute, well endowed and of good stamina & vigor - at least four times that night! I visited BABYLON SAUNA a few days ago; while there I met another deaf mute: pale and angular face, short & black hair tied into a small pony tail at the crown of his head, slim and with a very boyish body - were I a cannibal I would have knocked him on the head, spit-roasted him and enjoyed munching on an haunch of roast Thai boi - arroy dee, mak mak! Not too well endowed but again of good endurance as a b*tt*m. - I noticed,too, that he writes - u'standable. English - LEFT-handedly. - We were amongst the last to leave; I was undecided as to whether to invite him back with me or not, but he met a katoey who works there on staff, so I left them together. -- That got me thinking about such unfortunate people in a country where there are few provisions for them - unlike in western countries, for example. - Are they what they've become, (g*y), through financial circumstances? - Do they see that type of life-style as providing a certain amt. of emotional and/or financial support? - Is it yet another of Mother Nature's twists? - Is there someother reason for their seemingly being well-represented in the g*y community? -- Bibi.. --
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I was with a deaf mute recently whom I met on Gay Romeo. Before meeting face to face, he had messaged me with all his sexual preferences and so it was like a walk in the park once he was at home. After about 10 minutes, I almost forgot he was deaf and dumb as he had developed so many other ways to communicate. For example, when he was sexualy aroused, his penis became larger
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they just group togehter. I like the comment of yannawa- that he almost forgot this boy had a handicap as there are tons of other ways to communicate. I think that its very difficult for them to find a local partner or have casual sex with them as so far I never saw this happen Asians discriminate a lot in this way. so they look for farangs who are more open. Sexwise they can be great for sure as they compensate with their body what they lack in speaking and hearing. If u dont like them also no big deal just be extra nice when u decline - just toutch their hand or so - than they know you dont rejct them just because they have a handicap
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I used to have a deaf mute American boyfriend and so I learned ASL (American Sign Language) at the local YMCA in Penang. As far as I know here isn't any special reason why some of them become gay to the best of my knowledge. After all, is there a particular cause for our turning out homosexual?
Urepentantly irrascible old fart!
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A few years ago cruisng Raffles Plaza mall in Singapore I met a deaf mute. He was quite handsome and "chatted" me up via his note pad and we soon retired to my room in the Plaza hotel. He was a very enthousiastic bottom and we had a great session... the only thing that was slightly off-putting was that as he neared.. and reached climax, he let out this unearlthy noise / howl (which he obviously could'nt hear himself) which slightly un-nerved me as up until then he had been completely silent.
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A good friend received her Masters Degree in American Sign Language at Gallaudet University ( a university for the deaf in the US ). She informs me that deaf men do have a higher tendency to be gay, meaning higher than the commonly accepted 10% principle. I have no idea if any research has actually been done on this matter though.
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-- This last week-end I went to PATTAYA, (ostensibly at the invitation of my man-friend to meet the staff with whom he works in their new travel-agency.),.
- On fri., (27th.) evening I was enjoying a beer outside of LE CAFE ROYALE when a gp. of 5 sat-down at a nearby table: two Thais who are deaf mutes and three farangs. One of the deaf mutes was neatly dressed and gave the air of being well brought-up, the other was dressed and behaved more as many a young money-boi does in company. I noticed that one of the farangs appeared to be quite competent in signing, with another farang less so and the third unable to communicate that way. They all seemed to be having a pleasant time and enjoying themselves. -- Bibi. --
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Recently I had a most entertaining evening in a BKK-sauna-when apparently a band of DMs-some 6/7 had their weekly binge going out. They created a nice set-up for me-will report later. Fun indeed-and again most amazing Thailand. Thanks for this hint-otherwise I would not have readily understood it-now it took me some 4/5 mins to realise they were not other Asians or so not speaking Thai.
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