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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - IE Bookstores
Thread: IE Bookstores
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Old 24th March 2009, 04:13 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 17

Bear Facts Adult Book Store --- [indent]yikes!, small little shack, gaping glory holes, standing booths only, filthy curtain 'doors', sketchy parking lot, creepy cowboy employees.
1434 E Base Line St
San Bernardino, CA 92410

For Discriminating Adults --- ---[indent]wierd, gross, empty, bad videos, don't bother, dumb asses from that fucked up bar Branding Iron wandering thru., horrible, & dead, & not fun.
304 S E St
San Bernardino, CA 92401

Fantasy 66 ---[indent]surprised by this one. Very busy/cruisey & active, bad neighborhood, decent prking in back, SUPER friendly & very polite african-amer staff!, crackhead security guys, great videos, popular w/ the occasional tranny & spun out hispanic 20-somethings kneading their bulging cocks, HUGE private video booths, but ALWAYS smells of PISS!!!
835 E. Foothill Blvd., Rialto. .
Bookstore with arcade

Le Sex Shoppe ---[indent]Cruisy fwy traffic from I-10, industrial area, nice & dark, very busy, sometimes white jocks in afternoon beating off to bi-porn.
14589 Valley Blvd.
Fontana. 909-350-4718.
Bookstore with arcade

Baseline Books--- --[indent]worth a look, scary @ night, tons of traffic in & out, hot videos, lots of interuptions w/ lookey-loos bumming smokes & change, crack-head employees really involved in clearing loitering from parking area, sometimes CALSTATESB boys w/ boners! **** ALL NEW VIDEO MACHINES !!!! ***** best air conditioner in the IE !!!
25557 Base Line Street
San Bernardino, CA
(909) 889-3284

The Adult Shop ---[indent]*yawn, bad local, tons of heat from ever-present redlands P.D. , bad selection of dick-mags, over-lit & over-sanitized video area w/ lame 'saloon door' viewing spots. street cruising in general area (tenneseee to redlnds. blvd., & west to alabama & side street offshoots, guys beating off in their trucks/s.u.v.'s)
736 Tennessee Street
Redlands. 909-335-7070.
Bookstore with arcade

Mustang Books and Video --- --[indent]In extreme west IE, but my favorite all-around pic. Huge place, always busy, tons of hotties, -- north/south on Central ave. from foothill blvd. very cruisy -& east/west on foothill blvd. from AM/PM just west of Monte vista to the east to del taco @ Benson ave. Go anytime, you'll love it
961 N. Central Avenue
Upland. 909-981-0227
***************************ATTENTION!! SEE UPDATE BELOW

Le Sex Shoppe ----[indent]decent, popular w/ drunk latinos, no hotties or young people, lots of drugs in neighborhood
304 W. Highland Avenue
San Bernardino.
Bookstore with arcade
* ************************ATTENTION !! SEE UPDATE BELOW**

Lovely to see all the views/replys to my original post re the IE bookstores, ...

First, I'm glad to hear the recent good times over @ the Redlands Bookstore, as I live close to this one but RARELY do I ever set foot in there! That might change now that I hear it's so 'popular'.

Second... to answer that most recent thread; YES!! I do have a couple updates (in general) to mention:

It's most sad & true to report that this place is in a state of 'suspended animation' as the Upland P.D. have increasingly been 'more involved' (so-to-speak) w/ this establishment. BUT that's not even the main problem. -- There have been a few times recently whereas I thought it had closed! The parking lot was not it's usual circus, & half of the building looked "darker" than usual.
I ventured in & asked about the situation & was told that they're still open 24-7, but due to the recession & economy they could'nt afford to staff the 2-story section & it had to be closed off until business picks up again. Other than that, traffic there has decreased &/or become kinda scary, hit-or-miss, & troll-nest. (Had to get fiesty w/ this stinky one who was hyped up on poppers, & would'nt take seriously my "would you please excuse me, & find your own booth" until I started to raise my voice)

WOW oh wowie! What a transformation! If you refer above, ...I wrote a scathing review of this dump below. BUT I'm so pleased to report that this place has done a 180 !!
-- I happen to be in the area on other business & had time to kill. I was across the street from this ABS at my bank, which when exiting I was reminded that this place is situated there, when I glanced up at the sign. (Mind you I had totally forgot about this one, -- Out of sight...Out of mind & so on)
ANYWAY, So I thought I'd go on in. I'm SO glad I did! Not only were there fun young gays working there, ...It was clean, attractive, & the video area was spotless w/ some of the BEST porn I'd seen featured.
Like I said, ...I don't know the story is as to what & when this all occured, & I mentioned that much time has passed since I was last there. But I thought it was fair to post this most interesting update, & now RECOMEND you visit.
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