Civility is lost for many people in many situations, including men who cruise for sex in public places. It is one of the more sad developments of our lives and only those of us of a certain age are aware of it since we know the way things once were. But less we glamorize it too much, the way it once was included men cowering in fire-trap bars in the underground sections of a handful of cities, owners paying off the cops to look the other way, and any and everyone subject to blackmail. The times were good and the times were bad. I do not want to go back to 'the good old days'. I do confess, however, that Mad Men really does make the '60's look cool!
What I do want is for the law to be applied equally. I'd also like to see the laws used against cruisers repealed, but perhaps the strategy to get to that point is to demand that existing law be applied equally. After all, it is not a small development that for the largest populations of gays in the USA today, we are increasingly equal with the same rights and obligations. So if they're going to continue arresting gay men for even going into a cruisy park, they damn well better do it for the straights that go into the same park. If they're going to arrest gay guys for doing it in the bushes, then we must insist they arrest straights at Lovers' Lanes all across the land.
If it is bad for me to suck a dick in a darkened corner of a park, it is bad for a guy to fuck a girl in the same darkened corner of a park. On the other hand, we could come to a more rational understanding of human behavior and understand that sex does not always happen behind closed doors in a bed in the missionary position.