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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Bar reports - BKK
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Old 3rd October 2009, 10:50 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015

Originally Posted by scoops View Post
Went to this venue last Friday evening:
... .
Suggest customers watch your change in this place.

-- Y'day., (03rd.), evening, and as a result of the above more or less favorable review, I climbed upstairs to X SIZE A GO-GO BAR., (Soi Twilight - off Suriwong rd.),.
- I was surprised at the amount of body traffic in the soi - quite busy and with touts etc. up to their usual games!

-- ETA.: 21.55.hrs., (5mins. before the 'touted' start of the first perf.),.
- Quite full; I was shewn to a seat about mid-way stage LEFT.
- Drinks at 250.Bh..
- About 30 R&F. boyz on stage in total, all wearing briefs; mostly on the younger & slimmer side - a couple who look as though they're going through sex-changes; a few who are slightly MORE muscled but not up to TAWAN BAR stds..
- Hse. lts. dimmed at 22.07.hrs..
- Fairly usual sel'n. of acts: costumed & dancing boyz; nude dances; shower-scene with #3. & #5. - both well endowed!; Simul'd. sex scene; candle show etc. etc..
- Ante-penultimate act was bold show with 1 Top & 1 Bottom - nothing really memorable, I've seen better.
- Penultimate act was Big Cock Show with a dozen boyz all wearing Condoms, many of whom - after shewing on stage - walked amongst us voyeurs seeking further approbation! The usual LO-FI. PA. system and MC's. garbled command of English made it difficult for me to hear the participants' names & nos..
- Final act was that little & olde lady, whom one used to see in TAWAN BAR, with her classical Thai dance routines. She obtained MORE applause than the rest of the previous acts put together.
- Hse. lts. ON again just before 24.hrs..
- Towards the end all seats were occupied and it became standing room only.
- Both staff & some spectators were smoking ciggies. - ugh.

-- PS. - I see that X-SIZE has an advertorial in the current issue of the fold-out & pocket-sized GAY GUIDE BKK. - IX. #106..
- I see that the Guide is under the same gen'l. mngmnt. as the freebie mag. Variety.
- further info: cell. (081)-821 5250..
-- Usual disclaimer. --
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