Originally Posted by wantasian
By the way, every Filipino I've been with was circumcized. ... . Oddly, every black dick that I've ever seen here was circumcized.
... . I think there is also a little snip procedure that is not a circumcision but opens it up and lets the head all out.
-- In the RP. - apart from a few & trad. Ch. families - most males are c'cised.; it's a
'Rite of passage.', or - as a poster that I saw once in Binondo told us - '
The Gateway to Manhood!'. The Lions' Club, the Rotarians, Senatoriables & other Wannabees
etc. sponsor subsidised & mass public c'cisions. for approx.
PHP.1,5OO.oo., (approx. USD.3O.,. I've seen photos. of such public c'cisions, performed on a convenient side-walk, where friends held-down the patients to prevent any potentially fraught movement - quite brutal with the Dr. pulling the 'skin. to its full extension before making the incision.
- Allegedly
no right-minded Filippina would ever dream of marrying a non-c'cised. male.
- I remember reading a newspaper article in wch. the correspondent wrote that he - hailing from some remote village - was c'cised. on Maundy Thursday, according to local custom; after the op. all such youths immersed themselves in an icy cold mountain lake to dull the pain. Then, on Good Friday, they had the prvililege of carring the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the annual & village procession.
-- Should one be unfortunate enough to suffer from a mild form of phimosis, (tight 'skin.], then a small incision - rather than a complete c'cision. - is often sufficient.
- I write as a non-medical person, so E&OE..