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Old 23rd November 2009, 04:06 AM
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Largely, it means they don't understand the question. The two entries are a tad's pretty obvious that if you enter "Position...bottom", then "Fucking" is most likely going to be "bottom" also.
Often you will see Thais putting down "Dicksize....cut". That means they think their penis is cute but probably uncut.
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Old 23rd November 2009, 09:59 PM
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Yes, I notice a lot of "cut" --can't be that many. I think the cut-uncut question defaults or starts out as cut and they just don't understand the question and leave it as cut.
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Old 24th November 2009, 12:13 AM
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Originally Posted by trongpai View Post
Yes, I notice a lot of "cut" --can't be that many. I think the cut-uncut question defaults or starts out as cut and they just don't understand the question and leave it as cut.
I think a lot of people don't know what cut / uncut means. I was even talking with a Jewish guy here and started talking about I'm cut, and he said WHAT? I had to explain.

I've heard that doctors in Thailand will circumcize Thai guys (it's not uncommon for adults to want to be circumcized). One Cambodian guy here in U.S. had it done and now complains about it making his dick seem smaller. I know a Christian Thai in Bangkok who got circumcized, and he laughed and said it seems smaller now.

I totally don't understand why it matters in any way. Why would people discuss that in ads? I also don't understand the size issue. We're lucky to meet anyone good-looking--so I don't understand these little finicky gay obsessions. It's like Morris the Cat.
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Old 27th November 2009, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
... .
I've heard that doctors in Thailand will circumcize Thai guys (it's not uncommon for adults to want to be circumcized).
... .

-- It's MORE likely to be an hospital rather than individual and/or Drs. who will carry-out adult c'cisions., (apart from c'cisions. for religious reasons, possibly?),.
- About a yr. or so ago I checked with a pte. Dr. who suggested that I go to BKK. XTN. HOSP'L., wch. -at that time - said that they would charge 14K.Bh. for an adult's c'cision..
- That having been written I've encountered few, v. few, c'cised. Thais.
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Old 27th November 2009, 07:34 AM
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Any surgeon anywhere will do it.

14K is way on the upper end of the scale. Better to go to a less fancy hospital or clinic. It isn't brain surgery.
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Old 27th November 2009, 08:40 PM
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14K is way on the upper end of the scale. Better to go to a less fancy hospital or clinic.
Just don't go as far down the scale as many in The Philippines where I have seen some pretty ugly results of cheap circumcisions.
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Old 27th November 2009, 09:12 PM
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Originally Posted by fountainhall View Post
Just don't go as far down the scale as many in The Philippines where I have seen some pretty ugly results of cheap circumcisions.
By the way, every Filipino I've been with was circumcized. I wonder if they do it right after birth like in the U.S. I don't remember the statistics here, and there is some regional difference, but over 50% of all Americans are circumcized--probably even more than 75%. Oddly, every black dick that I've ever seen here was circumcized.

I think there is also a lot of variation in foreskins among all people (many seem almost like they were circumcized). I think there is also a little snip procedure that is not a circumcision but opens it up and lets the head all out.
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Old 27th November 2009, 09:14 PM
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Wouldn't all Muslim Thais be circumcized? I have been with some and they all were.
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Old 27th November 2009, 11:14 PM
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Yes, of course all Muslims everywhere are circumcised.

The bad results in the Philippines are because they are often not performed surgeons.
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Old 28th November 2009, 12:16 AM
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Originally Posted by wantasian View Post
By the way, every Filipino I've been with was circumcized. ... . Oddly, every black dick that I've ever seen here was circumcized.

... . I think there is also a little snip procedure that is not a circumcision but opens it up and lets the head all out.

-- In the RP. - apart from a few & trad. Ch. families - most males are c'cised.; it's a 'Rite of passage.', or - as a poster that I saw once in Binondo told us - 'The Gateway to Manhood!'. The Lions' Club, the Rotarians, Senatoriables & other Wannabees etc. sponsor subsidised & mass public c'cisions. for approx. PHP.1,5OO.oo., (approx. USD.3O.,. I've seen photos. of such public c'cisions, performed on a convenient side-walk, where friends held-down the patients to prevent any potentially fraught movement - quite brutal with the Dr. pulling the 'skin. to its full extension before making the incision.
- Allegedly no right-minded Filippina would ever dream of marrying a non-c'cised. male.
- I remember reading a newspaper article in wch. the correspondent wrote that he - hailing from some remote village - was c'cised. on Maundy Thursday, according to local custom; after the op. all such youths immersed themselves in an icy cold mountain lake to dull the pain. Then, on Good Friday, they had the prvililege of carring the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the annual & village procession.

-- Should one be unfortunate enough to suffer from a mild form of phimosis, (tight 'skin.], then a small incision - rather than a complete c'cision. - is often sufficient.
- I write as a non-medical person, so E&OE..
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Old 28th November 2009, 06:20 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
[/i] [/color]

- I write as a non-medical person, so E&OE..

Don't worry--we won't sue you for malpractice (no disqualifying disclaimers needed)! Ha ha.
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Old 28th November 2009, 06:26 PM
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With Filipinos, I always thought it was a something Catholic. But thinking about this more, I think almost NO hispanics are circumcized. Philippines was ruled from Mexico. So I don't understand why Catholic Filipinos are circumcized (Mexicans are not). Of course Muslim Filipinos are. Maybe it was some tradition that started in the Muslim South.

I was in a relationship here with a Chinese from Malaysia who was not circumcized.

I qualify my observation about blacks in the U.S.--I don't think that Latino blacks here are circumcized.

It makes absolutely no difference to me!
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Old 29th November 2009, 12:28 AM
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I was in a relationship here with a Chinese from Malaysia who was not circumcized
Chinese in Malaysia are rarely circumcised - same with most Chinese everywhere (with the odd exception).
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Old 29th November 2009, 07:52 PM
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Circumcision among Filipinos

The cultural practice of circumcision among Filipinos comes neither from the Spanish or Mexican or Catholic influence. Though there may have been influence from the Americans, it is really descended from a practice common among pacific islanders, to which Filipinos are culturally and genetically related. The practice is a slit incision, not a circumcision in the Western style, and yes, as mentioned above, it is seen as a rite of manhood. It's a very old cultural belief, predating the colonial period.
My Shameless Thai blog:
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