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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - what happened to the illinois boards
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Old 10th December 2009, 06:39 AM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899

Originally Posted by 34151947 View Post
The dropdown menu that allows new areas to be added was prefilled with 2 listings, one of which was in New Mexico, don't remember what the other one was, but they were locked in and could not be changed or added too.
Here is how you add a new tip or review an existing place. Go to the sex listings here:

Do a search to get you to the area of interest. In this instance, do a search for lllinois. The results for the entire state will now load unless you do an advanced search that allows you to narrow things down to a specific city/town or specific types of places (rest areas, bookstores, etc).

Once you get your results, scroll down to see if the Loves Truck Stop in Leroy is listed. If not, go to the bottom of the search results and click the button that says "Don't see your favorite spot? Click here to add a new place in this area."

I've included a screen shot of the next page. This is where you add, first the city if it is not in the pull-down menu. Leroy IS already included in the list of cities. Select Leroy and then continue down the remainder of the page, adding what you know about the Loves Truckstop. Our editor will sign off on your listing and then it joins the rest of the visible search results for Illinois.

I hope this helps. Still not sure why you're having this problem. Just in the time we've been talking about this, guys have been adding new tips to Illinois so it is working.
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