Originally Posted by wantasian
I really think they feel the chest to see if one is old or fat. I don't think they're feeling because they dislike hair (other than that it would indicate age). I don't remember anyone feeling my forearms. I have almost no hair on my chest, but they reject me anyway, (I do have a little bulge and am not muscular).
-- Naturally, I can write only of my own & personal experiences; others may well have rec'd. different impressions
etc. etc..
- Over the yrs. I have found that should I
not shave my chest before going to B'LON. SAUNA - even if there's only a slight sensation of hair - then, more than likely, I'll be rejected. Whereas a chest as
'smooth as silk.' would be MORE likely to gain acceptance and ... !
-- But feeling for a
'Six pack.', or otherwise, one would feel the stomach, wouldn't one?