Originally Posted by JupiterJake
I recently went to a bar in Pattaya and had no less than 10 guys sit next to me and jerk off (with my help) to completion over the course of a couple of hours. I have NEVER seen anything like it in Bangkok. Drinks were 140 Baht. Each guy got a 250 Baht tip. A lovely couple of hours with all sorts of gorgeous cocks and hard bodies. Honestly, where else in the world...
Whilst I am astounded at your stamina (10 guys j/o) and wallet (10 x 250bt = a LOT) I agree Pattaya gets my vote every time. After my one night in BKK on Monday (visit Solid 120 bt for a beer & off a regular boy) I was back tonight in the flesh pots of Pattaya. There may not be many fuck shows, but as well as oggling the flesh, there is so much raw cock on show and on offer (I humbly admit to giving one cutie a j/o and 150 bt tonight) , you can have a good fondle for 20 bt a boy - unlimited.
Bangkok is regulated and rehersed. Pattaya is wild and raw. The life is now returning to the bar scene here and some of them (around Sunee) are just like going into a cage of semi house trained wild things- literally straight from the fields of Issan - possessing natural beauty, rythem (sic) and fun !
Boystown has plenty of cabaret shows, and a couple offer fuck shows if that turns you on - but for me it was never really a spectator sport.