Originally Posted by pong
1.- as many of you are also bus-users and not scary to reach farflung places:
there are now 2 new busmaps for sale in the usual THAI booksops, like See Ed or B2S.. ... .
... .
Khun Pong,
- Many thanks for yr. suggestions.
- My two 'bus.-maps:
Bangkok bus Map. - ISBN. 9-789745-250451. - E5. - pub'd. by Roadway -
69.Bh. - although using colors to differentiate the various 'bus.-routes can be unclear in places where many 'bus.-routes converge;
2. - Thai title wch. I cannot read - ISBN. 9-789744-85086 - a PN MAP pub'd. by Free8man Travel - 'bus.-routes
not colored but 'bus.-numbers indicated from time to time alongside their routes;
are both far from accurate - especially for those 'buses. going-out to & returning from the more far-flung outskirts.
-- So possibly khun Pong's recommendations will be more helpful? Here's hoping.