-- Today, (
24th. & C'mas. eve.), after my a/m. walk-around BIG C. I crossed-over R'damri. rd. and wandered-around
CENTRAL WORLD - R'damri., where there was plenty of eye-candy to behold busy
'Walking and looking.' - but
not in my dir'n. - alas.
- I looked-in at various
hawng nahm -
Report beyond noticing that most of the cubicles had their partitions extended UPwards by opaque quadrants to act as a discouragement.
- I reckoned that the safest
HN. - if one may write thus of such public places - would be those on the same floors, (
7th. from memory?), as the cinemas; there was v. little body-traffic IN & OUT. Also they had
no glass quadrants.