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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - GoGo Bars
Thread: GoGo Bars
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Old 5th January 2011, 08:24 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 325
X-boys, Bangkok

Sextile, I too was incredulous to read your Australian acquaintance's report. While I wasn't in the bar that particular week, I was there a week before Christmas and was charged 250 baht for a drink. I was also advised by a senior-looking waiter that the bar fine was 400 baht.

I find it hard to imagine that the pathetic customer numbers when I was there (from a low of 6 to a high of 18 customers -- see my report in Bangkok gogo bar update December 2010) would so miraculously improve a mere week later to justify surge pricing.

Xfun's report that he too was charged the usual 250 baht on Dec 28th suggests that the Australian was given a "milk the newbie" treatment.

As for the tip to the boy, I distinctly remember from my December trip that two bars' mamasans mentioned a recommended figure of 1,500 baht. They were Jupiter and Dream Boy. By all accounts, these two bars have the best-looking boys. If they think that 1,500 is the appropriate guideline, it is ludicrous for X-boys to suggest higher, Christmas week or not.

Xfun's question is pertinent: who mentioned 2,000 baht? If the captain or mamasan, once again, the Australian might have been seen as a gullible greenhorn. If it was the boy himself, then we should treat it not as a general indicator but as a specific negotiating position with respect to a specific boy and a specific customer, whom the boy might not have found all that attractive.

By the way, Xfun - the passage in italics, are they your words or are you quoting from someone else?
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