-- My Elderly, Well-dressed & American Acquaintance has rented a small studio nr. to VICTORY MON'T. for the six months or so that he's o'wintering. here in BKK.;
- Several mornings a week he goes jogging earlyish in
- Google earth co-ords.: For whatever reason my Google earth is not shewing any co-ords.;
- dir'ns.: From VICTORY MON'T. walk ESE. along Ratcha Withi rd., (that is the same side of VM. as the SkyTrain curves around.), for approx.
450.yds. : PEACE PK., wch, is quite small, lies on yr.
RHS. between R'withi. & Rang nam rds.;
- He's mentioned that there are a couple of Unis. in the vicinity and that he's found it a good place to meet students.
-- E&OE. as reported speech. --