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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - The 650 Euro massage
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Old 7th March 2011, 07:22 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

the answer would be daft obvious for someone who claims to be living in this great city for 20 yrs (I only visit for half the year-for 21/22 years now):
1.go out of that HiSo upperclass condo ghetto. There are dozens of listing-sites for gaymassage, wher you can get the full works for a grand (as the US say- a grey note), the fee and requiered tip included. And hey-you even say to offer GR-lads half of that more. Thats suburban BKK.
2.if you fancy Asians-and who does not on this site? the cheap alt. is just a cheapo AirAsia flight away. Vnam, and INDOnesia offer it for a lot less. And in Indo many even have a grasp of the old occupiers lingo, Dutch.
Once again there is that story of the plice of a prate of fly-lice: you can get it for 30 bt (sometimes even 25-then you be sure its below stdd) or 130 or 330-what U get on the prate is mostly the same, but the surroundings are fancier. Or they may even have a raykarn aharn (menu) in the phaasaa angkrit or maybe even an odd waiter speaks a word or 2 of it. Its that added service that inflates the bill. Same-same with any other service in LOS here. the same Thai-style nouat (normal massage) also ranges between 100 (or even lower)/hr in suburban Thai places to well over 500 in fancy tourist oriented and hi-so trendy 5*** HTLs. But what you get for it (if you close your eyes) is very much the same.
BTW-the min daily wage for BKK is now 217 bt. Khun Abhisit has a promise in his parties election manifesto to raise it to 270 bt.
And for the bargain hunters, not afraid to venture out into suburbia (you may even try to get there on a free red bus) or pass on tips and gratefully receive tips from others about the tried and tested, there is no equivalent to this site.
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