Originally Posted by icon513
My post was tongue-in-cheek.Posted via Mobile Device
-- So that's where you put your tongue? 555!
- But seriously, were a suitable
Tongue-in-cheek smilie to be made available to us Gentle Readers it might save some unnecessary heart-burns or whatever?
-- Well, possibly my earlier posting did reek of ageism? But then, being of a certain age myself, and having been called much worse in my younger days, perhaps I can afford to be careless as to allegations of ageism and of suchlike & other ---isms. perceived as being offensive to the younger perceptions?
- Was it not that quintessential Englishman Dr. Sam'l. Johnson who declared that:
'Every man is entitled to his own opinions, just as every other man is entitled to knock him down for them.' ?
- I'm
not one of that modern breed who does
not dare order b---k coffee lest it might cause offence.