-- Several months ago one of my Thai aquaintances - mid thirties and whom I've know for some five or six years - visited me in my app't. with a long face and a tale of woe;
- He alleged that he was having kidney-problems wch. would require hospital-trtmnt.; to back-up his allegations he'd brought-along with him an X-Ray photo., wch. he handed to me;
- Now I've worked-in various hospitals for some
14 yrs. as an Engr.: either Ops. & Maint. or Bio-med. - so I was able to look-at it with a knowing eye, and especially at the info. tab by one of the LOWER corners;
- I asked to see the envelope, wch. was handed to me. The name thereon was
Ms. So-and-so - the same name as on the X-Ray;
- So I shewed the envelope to my acquaintance and asked him if that was his name?
No, it wasn't;
- Then I asked him to look-at the name on the X-Ray photo. - the same name as on the envelope;
'Collapse of stout party.' as the olde cartoons in
Punch magazine so often used to write.
-- Ah, well; it made a change from Water Buffaloes, from Grand-parents' -
four - and/or Gt. Grand-parents' -
eight - funerals, or from ailments of
'His sisters and cousins whom he reckons-up by dozens.'!
'All part of life's rich tapestry.' as the philosopher allegedly said. --
"TIT!" --