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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Tricks of the trade ...

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Old 20th May 2011, 01:20 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Tricks of the trade ...

-- A mid-thirties Thai man, whom I have known for several years, now owes me a tidy sum - by avg. Thai stds - and had offered to repay a major portion on 01 may 2554., but defaulted.
- A couple of days ago he saw me in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA & offered me a 2Bh.* gold necklace-chain on the flg. terms -
1.- I could hold the chain as surety against repayment, or
2.- I could buy the chain LESS the amt. that he owes me.
- However, before accepting this 'Offer I couldn't refuse.' a warning bell started to ring!

-- As I know well there is a gold-dealers' shop on 4fl., so I took-up the chain to it;
- The young lady looked skeptically at me, agreed that the wt. was 2Bh. and peered quizically at it through a magnifying glass;
- Then, at my suggestion, she tested it for genuineness by rubbing a couple of portions onto a dk. stone and then dripping a few drops of some chemical onto the rubbings;
- 'Not genuine.' was the verdict;
- I gave the obviously LESS than welcome news to my acquaintance and assured him that the problem of repayment remains with him still.
-- Caveat emptor. --

-- Availing of search-engine Google I read that 02Bh. = = 151.60.ct., (E&OE.),.
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Old 5th June 2011, 01:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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More tricks ...

-- Several months ago one of my Thai aquaintances - mid thirties and whom I've know for some five or six years - visited me in my app't. with a long face and a tale of woe;
- He alleged that he was having kidney-problems wch. would require hospital-trtmnt.; to back-up his allegations he'd brought-along with him an X-Ray photo., wch. he handed to me;
- Now I've worked-in various hospitals for some 14 yrs. as an Engr.: either Ops. & Maint. or Bio-med. - so I was able to look-at it with a knowing eye, and especially at the info. tab by one of the LOWER corners;
- I asked to see the envelope, wch. was handed to me. The name thereon was Ms. So-and-so - the same name as on the X-Ray;
- So I shewed the envelope to my acquaintance and asked him if that was his name? No, it wasn't;
- Then I asked him to look-at the name on the X-Ray photo. - the same name as on the envelope;
- 'Collapse of stout party.' as the olde cartoons in Punch magazine so often used to write.

-- Ah, well; it made a change from Water Buffaloes, from Grand-parents' - four - and/or Gt. Grand-parents' - eight - funerals, or from ailments of 'His sisters and cousins whom he reckons-up by dozens.'!

-- 'All part of life's rich tapestry.' as the philosopher allegedly said. -- "TIT!" --
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Old 5th June 2011, 06:33 AM
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 257

1. Personally I don't believe such 'stories' until I see substantive unquestionable evidence.

Are we going to be subjected to a new 'story' a day?

2. You might have perhaps added for balance that there are plenty of farang and other foreigners who have either visited Thailand at some time, or are here now who owe money and have similar tendencies to concect 'stories'.

Plus there are plenty of 'stories' around of farang cheating Thai boys etc.

Some twenty years ago a very expensive camera disappeared from my room in Bkk. A few days later his later 'trophy boy' was seen with the camera, I asked where he got it, his reply "Mr. XXXX (my best buddy) gave it to him a few days ago. End of friendship.I confronted my 'buddy' and he admitted that he had nothing to give his young to buy his 'love'.

3. sometimes people are desperate sextile, sometimes because they have made bad or irresponsible decisions and sometimes people who are seemingly well organized have 'a run of bad luck'. People act in different ways, there must be occasions where people are desperate, they have convinced themselves that the truth will not be believed so they concoct a 'story'. Life!

I've said before sextile, you seem desperate to post, anything.

Just recently you posted some comments about Essan boys sounding like they are all the same, to be honest I found your comments offensive personally and your comments slighted my dearest and nearest and I don't appreciate it.

There's a million interesting things to explore in this country, get a life outside of the lavvies and Silom complex.
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Old 5th June 2011, 09:22 AM
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Are we talking about money boys here?

There is a reason why "money" is part of their moniker you know...or were you guys expecting the elusive hooker with a heart of gold?
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Old 5th June 2011, 08:15 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 12

Unlike your bitter diatribe, I happen to enjoy his posts.

Originally Posted by Xfun View Post
1. Personally I don't believe such 'stories' until I see substantive unquestionable evidence.

Are we going to be subjected to a new 'story' a day?

2. You might have perhaps added for balance that there are plenty of farang and other foreigners who have either visited Thailand at some time, or are here now who owe money and have similar tendencies to concect 'stories'.

Plus there are plenty of 'stories' around of farang cheating Thai boys etc.

Some twenty years ago a very expensive camera disappeared from my room in Bkk. A few days later his later 'trophy boy' was seen with the camera, I asked where he got it, his reply "Mr. XXXX (my best buddy) gave it to him a few days ago. End of friendship.I confronted my 'buddy' and he admitted that he had nothing to give his young to buy his 'love'.

3. sometimes people are desperate sextile, sometimes because they have made bad or irresponsible decisions and sometimes people who are seemingly well organized have 'a run of bad luck'. People act in different ways, there must be occasions where people are desperate, they have convinced themselves that the truth will not be believed so they concoct a 'story'. Life!

I've said before sextile, you seem desperate to post, anything.

Just recently you posted some comments about Essan boys sounding like they are all the same, to be honest I found your comments offensive personally and your comments slighted my dearest and nearest and I don't appreciate it.

There's a million interesting things to explore in this country, get a life outside of the lavvies and Silom complex.
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Old 5th June 2011, 09:47 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 2

I too enjoy reading of sextile's adventures and observations... why the nasty attack?

If you don't like what he says then just pass on to another thread/subject.
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Old 5th June 2011, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by maturegwmtop View Post
I too enjoy reading of sextile's adventures and observations... why the nasty attack?

If you don't like what he says then just pass on to another thread/subject.
Ditto here.
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Old 6th June 2011, 01:37 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 36

Originally Posted by maturegwmtop View Post
I too enjoy reading of sextile's adventures and observations... why the nasty attack?

If you don't like what he says then just pass on to another thread/subject.
I feel exactly the same. One of the pleasures of this site, is the lack of bickering....
Even if I wouldn't join in the HN activities, it's fun reading about them.
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Old 6th June 2011, 05:15 AM
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Ditto from me.
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Old 6th June 2011, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149

You make some interesting points about scamming by farangs. I've heard similar stories but will spare you "the story a day".

Originally Posted by Xfun View Post
... There's a million interesting things to explore in this country, get a life outside of the lavvies and Silom complex.
Having been a regular visitor for years we know about the '000,000 interesting things... BUT this is about crusing for sex and the lavvies are one of the places where you find it.

Even if you don't go down on your knees!! its still great to know whats happening and where.

Keep up the posts Khun Stle.
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Old 7th June 2011, 12:17 PM
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I could not agree more. I enjoy Khun Sextile's posts immensely.
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Old 18th June 2011, 02:04 PM
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Sounding off...

I look forward to reading each and everyone of Sxtl's reports. Keep it up and thank you, Sexy.
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