Originally Posted by TouristBangkok
1.- I wonder how the buggers listen in if you keep the radio on? Isn't that what all good spy stories say is the best way to avoid bugging (or buggery)?
2.- If Pattaya is quiet, how is Bangkok? I am counting down to my visit next month.
1.- From reading one of these fictional spy/counter-spy paperbacks - apologies, I forget its title, now

- I gather that a way to defeat bugging by microphones is to run one's electric shaver.
2.- - The paucity of postings about BKK. should give one an idea about this LOW season; right now BKK. is quiet, too;
- In SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA one hears the usual & similar laments from both our Thai & young men and from
'Nitnoi ... .'.
- My Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend, who stays regularly in the SURIWONGE HOTEL, has given me to u'stand. that for an avg. night the hotel is lucky to see as many as
15 guests.
- It's100%. for sure that when I visit the BAVANA 24HR. REST'T. & CAFE for my usual sundays' & mondays' b'fasts., say around
09.hrs., we're lucky to see even half-a-dozen others right now;
no wonder that the staff there aren't looking too happy.
- A visiting acquaintance from Australia went to the TELEPHONE BAR -Silom 4. - last night, (22 jul.), and remarked on how empty it was for a friday night - even for a LOW season.
-- But
YES - '
fun.' is available always for the diligent seeker! ;-)
- But, as my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend likes to remark:
'It's a crap shoot.'; thus, to obviate any disappointments, I shall refrain from suggesting any particular haunts, but instead choose to refer to
'All of the usual places', (depending, of course, upon one's own preferences), most of wch. have been well-documented in this and in other TH. threads.
"Bonne chance et bonne chasse."!