everything seems slow recently. I notice that Utopia and Dragoncastle have quite dated info now. Where is everyone going?
Dreaded Ned even more so. On the other hane there are some Thai websites like GThainet that have loads but of course not if you can't speak Thai (like me).
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Naa lo ! Low season. Pattaya pretty quiet. Sawasdii Bar the latest closure in Boystown. Very few on the beach at Jomtien (boys or visitors) - blustery weather.
One guest house owner told me he had his worst Apr- Jun in 7 years. Europeans just arent coming. I think Russians now the main visitors and the area below Pratanmak Hill is now little Ukraine. A lot of my regular Pattaya boys have gone home for the low season and the bars that are open have fewer boys than usual. Gay Romeo still busy. Anyway, I'm off to China for the next 2 weeks.
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(Incidentally did you know that every hotel room in PRC is bugged in the same way that every mobile phone call in the world is recorded and scanned for key words?) Anyway, tonight in anticipation of a tough 10 days, and after a straight business dinner in Pattaya, I decided a "cleansing ale" was in order and headed to the "Happiest place in the World" - ( no not Disneyland, the other one 100 metres from Sunee.) I thought I had previously reached the depths of depravity there, but tonight I was wooed up to the mezzanine by Khun Noi (there are 2 of them, and frankly either would do). There were 2 other couples already engrossed in games like little red riding hood (ooh Granny what a big cock u have) and K Noi was out of his briefs in a flash and and giving me his sausage to suck . He managed to remove my shirt (front buttoning) and drop my daks and underdaks- then produced a condom which he deftly applied, pushed me back on the sofa and quickly straddled me. He was in fact a pretty good fuck , aided by the rather titilating thought that the other couples, or passing boys were getting an eye full, while I was being ridden, jerking his cock and ocassionally deep tonguing him as well. He blew in about 60 secs flat, and then sucked me to a very happy ending - all in virtual public view. "Oh wondrous world that has such people in it ." (Shakespeare, The Tempest I think.) I commend this place to cruisers as having the horniest twinks on earth who know how to treeat a man - and rarely fail to perform . Amen.
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1.- I'm sure that you will! ![]() 2.- A point worth remembering - ![]() 3.- Some people are really lucky; I shall bear that place in mind for our next visit. I presume and hope that it's still one drink beforehand and 500.Bh. afterwards? -- Enjoy your trip! -- ![]()
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![]() Bangkok 2 weeks ago was very wet and quiet. ..... but there's always fun to be had there !
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1.- From reading one of these fictional spy/counter-spy paperbacks - apologies, I forget its title, now ![]() 2.- - The paucity of postings about BKK. should give one an idea about this LOW season; right now BKK. is quiet, too; - In SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA one hears the usual & similar laments from both our Thai & young men and from farangs: 'Nitnoi ... .'. - My Elderly, Frequently-visiting & Am. Friend, who stays regularly in the SURIWONGE HOTEL, has given me to u'stand. that for an avg. night the hotel is lucky to see as many as 15 guests. - It's100%. for sure that when I visit the BAVANA 24HR. REST'T. & CAFE for my usual sundays' & mondays' b'fasts., say around 09.hrs., we're lucky to see even half-a-dozen others right now; no wonder that the staff there aren't looking too happy. - A visiting acquaintance from Australia went to the TELEPHONE BAR -Silom 4. - last night, (22 jul.), and remarked on how empty it was for a friday night - even for a LOW season. ![]() -- But YES - 'fun.' is available always for the diligent seeker! ;-) - But, as my Enthusiastic & Am. Friend likes to remark: 'It's a crap shoot.'; thus, to obviate any disappointments, I shall refrain from suggesting any particular haunts, but instead choose to refer to 'All of the usual places', (depending, of course, upon one's own preferences), most of wch. have been well-documented in this and in other TH. threads. - "Bonne chance et bonne chasse."! -- ![]()
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-- As may have been written earlier in one thread or another, a lady acquaintance who manages one of the shops in SCSP. has told me that it will CLOSE in november 2011 for maybe 6+months for refurbishing etc. etc.; rumor, from another & non-shop-keeping source, suggests that the refurbished SCSP. will be MORE like MBK.. - She will be moving her shop to THANIYA TOWER, as it's been noised abroad that after the RE-OPENING rents will be INCREASED by anything UP to 100%.! ![]() -- ![]()
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