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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Babylon downhill
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Old 28th December 2011, 02:21 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74

I went to Babylon on Tuesday. There were approximately 10 farang for every asian - not a happy situation for me. Being a bit on the shortish side, when I'm around other farang, I often feel like I'm in the land of the giants... anyway, I decided to get a massage. The farang booking before me asked for a masseuse by name, which I found unusual. I was assigned my masseuse, and was very happy. A very handsome, thin guy. Really cute.

My body was very tight from travel (and age) and he did not go through all of the usual thai acrobatics with me, but instead gave me a very nice massage. I felt he was exposing me a little more than what was normal, but ignored it. Then, as I was lying on my back, he pulled my arm up over my head and rested my hand in his crotch. Not wanting to be rude, I curled my hand into a fist, but he opened it up so my palm was laying flat on his crotch. Then he did it with the other hand. This time I could feel something hard beginning to sprout. Finally, he pulled both of my arms up and placed both hands in his crotch. I began playing with his throbbing cock through his shorts wondering where, if anywhere, it would lead.

Well, it led nowhere, but it was a nice little surprise, especially since I was having no luck downstairs competing with the hoards of farang competing for the few asians.

When my massage was finished, he showed me into the lockers. I was going to head into the dark room, but decided I would go to my locker first and allow him to get his next client. When I exited, he was there waiting for me and I realized he expected a tip. Again, this was not normal for Babylon. I often like to tip the masseuses there, but never knew how to do it gracefully, since there is no place to hide any cash on my body wearing just a towel. I was happy to oblige and went back and got 200 baht for him. He told me he'd be there tomorrow. I told him I might not, but the next time I am at Babylon, I will ask for him.

I'm wondering, have things changed at Babylon regarding massage since I've been there two years ago?
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