Oh Tawan, what has happened to you?
Each visit to BKK, I usually end up at Tawan at least once. It's usually the only go-go bar I go to, although I have certainly been to others. I enjoy the older and more muscular guys. By older, I generally mean 30 and by muscular I mean defined.
In February I went to Tawan once. It was terrible. They seemed short staffed. Maybe 6 guys or so. None of the usual standouts were there. The same guys were in all phases of the show. The show started with the lip-syncing lady boys. They had a magician which was new and different. He was actually kind of entertaining, but not generally what I go to Tawan to see. No jack-off show.
Went back last week, more guys were working, but still none of the usual stars.
The show lasted about 30 minutes. Might have been so short, usually it's about one hour, because there were no dancing lady boys. Also no jack-off show. Maybe that's a thing of the past. The show seemed to consist of three acts of different guys getting blow jobs and ended with a fuck show.
As soon as the show was over the entire working crew took the stage and initiated their own applause. Someone actually shouted out from the audience, "boring." I was a bit shocked at the behavior, but agreed with the sentiment.
I have said before the guys need more discipline - like they had before. I mean they need to take the stage in order, show some enthusiasm when they are up there. They need to make their way across the stage so everyone gets to the them. And, they need better briefs. All things they did and had before.
I have offed several of the dances there over the last few years. My last two offs from there however, have been the non-dancing staff. Same guy twice. My last few visits there, he doesn't seem to work there any longer.
Drinks are now 280 THB. Not sure about the off fee.
The staff and owners are still very friendly. They welcome you when you arrive, versus pull you in. And they thank you when you leave. Even when you leave alone after only having one beer.
Will I go back, probably, next time i'm in BKK. But damn, I wished they'd make some changes and improvements.