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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Heartbeat-boys New boy bar in BKK
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Old 19th December 2013, 07:33 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210
Classic Bar

I was at Classic two nights ago. I was one of 5 customers in the bar. About 20 boys working, doing two shifts onstage. Music didn't sound loud at all to me, and I tend to notice when the decibels get too loud for conversation. But I had no problem with carrying on a conversation with the mamasan and later the boy that I offed. A decent selection of boys there, mostly on the thin and twinky side, but not all of them looked to be bottoms. I was satisfied and would go back again, although the 300 baht drink price I think is ridiculous. I did vocally express my outrage at the price before I went inside and the "manager" agreed to make the price 250 baht; slightly better but hardly a bargain. In the "Strange But True" Department, as I was leaving I heard my name called by one of the door men a guy I used to off quite frequently when he worked at Super A ... about 14-15 years ago!
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