Specific (un)dress code events are the norm where I live (Spain) in bars and clubs.
Some bars have specific days allocated to the clothing optional/dress code specific events.
Some bars/clubs have set specific hours on specific days for such events.
They sure advertise all over the net, and whoever wants to attend has to agree to the specific (un)dress code. If you happen to be there at the time that the specific dress code is about to be imposed, they ask you to do so or leave.
The practice seems to be very popular, and since so many establishments have been maintaining it for years, I'd say, also lucrative.
The concept of "clothing optional" exists at some of the popular locations in Europe, too. Bars/clubs grant free entrance/drink voucher to the guys who bare it all. And some people do. Most guys do not, since they do not have to. This practice has not spread very much, and I believe has turned out not to be too attractive to the general public.