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Old 16th February 2015, 05:39 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Question Asking for you opinion

I manage a small adult bookstore in Central NY, and need some user input.

We are looking to expand our business on Sunday nights. Up to now, the store and booth area have been open to the public 10AM - 2AM seven days a week. I am going to close the store earlier on Sunday nights TO THE PUBLIC. Plan to close at 11PM and host an after hours event every Sunday from 11PM to 2AM for invited guests only. The closed event will be clothing optional to allow customers to shop and enjoy the booths in the buff.

Of course, we still have to have rules to satisfy the local authorities and insurance. Usual crap about wearing shoes, not responsible for lost possessions, etc. And we have to prohibit any sexual activity in open areas (the sales floor, booth hallways, or a booth with an open door) to prevent law enforcement from barging in. However, since the event is by invitation only, I can deny a cop entry without a warrant and stall if need be while I read the warrant before allowing them in. Time enough for guests to dress or get in a booth.

Anyone asking to enter After Hours agreeing to the clothing optional will be considered an invited guest.

Question for you is have you ever encountered such an event in a bookstore or gay bar? If your local outlet staged such an event, would you be interested? If not, why not?
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Old 16th February 2015, 11:39 PM
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Specific (un)dress code events are the norm where I live (Spain) in bars and clubs.

Some bars have specific days allocated to the clothing optional/dress code specific events.

Some bars/clubs have set specific hours on specific days for such events.

They sure advertise all over the net, and whoever wants to attend has to agree to the specific (un)dress code. If you happen to be there at the time that the specific dress code is about to be imposed, they ask you to do so or leave.

The practice seems to be very popular, and since so many establishments have been maintaining it for years, I'd say, also lucrative.

The concept of "clothing optional" exists at some of the popular locations in Europe, too. Bars/clubs grant free entrance/drink voucher to the guys who bare it all. And some people do. Most guys do not, since they do not have to. This practice has not spread very much, and I believe has turned out not to be too attractive to the general public.

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Old 18th February 2015, 10:46 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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I've also been to a couple after-hours events like that at bars in the US. Whether it's possible or would be popular would vary a lot by your state and local authorities and your local market -- what do your customers want? Where I live now the bars must stop selling alcohol at 2 am. There have been after-hours parties typically sponsored by leather clubs or informal groups after closing time. I want to stress that your state and local laws and enforcement practices really make a difference.
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Old 18th February 2015, 04:02 PM
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Since we are an adult bookstore instead of a bar, there is no worry about alcohol regulations. Of course, it is a highly conservative area of New York and there are strict laws on public exposure, nudity and sexual acts. With the event not open to the public, just invited guest, this would not really be public.
The new owners have just backtracked from their support of the idea, but I'm still going to do it on my own. They live out of the area, and won't know. If it is successful, they will have to accept it. If not, I can discontinue it.
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Old 23rd February 2015, 11:37 PM
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As a middle aged guy who needs to get to a gym I like the "clothing optional" as opposed to a requirement to go naked.

I think it is an interesting idea to drum up business on a dead night of the week...

Keep us posted on how it goes over!
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Old 24th February 2015, 02:06 PM
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We had our first "unofficial" night. About 6 people on what otherwise would of been a dead night. Four of the six came specifically for the "clothing optional" event, and two just regulars coming by. Did have to turn one person away who was not known to me and therefore not invited. The only publicity was word of mouth, not even signs in the store. Considering the outside wind chill was 30 below zero, not bad turnout. Have to see if it grows.
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Old 25th February 2015, 04:20 PM
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I do think a clothing optional event will go over better in warmer weather!

I think you are smart not to have signs or anything - no need to attract attention at this point...

Did everyone partake of the "optional"?

Will people have to pay to attend or just the money they spend on products and in the booths?
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Old 9th March 2015, 04:58 PM
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So Grumpybear -

Have you still been doing this on Sunday nights?

How is it going over?
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Old 13th March 2015, 11:13 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 77

Hope it works out for you. I love events where guys have the option to get naked, and have even been the only one who does. Great fun.
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