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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - How young is too young to come out?
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Old 27th August 2015, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 882

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
Part of me is constantly stunned and amazed by how ignorant people are of how the Internet works and that what you put out there may stay out there, even if you delete it or have it deleted for you.

And of course, part of me is never, ever amazed at all about the ignorance of people and what they think they can make "go away" once they've said it or written it or posted it or tweeted it.

It amazes me how many times you see pictures - clearly guys in a college dorm or some such set up - naked - hard and showing their face.

As you say - those pictures will exist somewhere forever. And even if you did not post it with your name - somewhere - someday - somehow - someone will recognize you.

It is like these guys think no one will ever know - and these days one of the first things HR people do when you interview for a job is "google" you - and if the first results are your dick pic or you face down drunk at a party - that is not going to help your chances.

I love looking at all the pictures - but I like to think if we had digital cameras and the Internet when I was in college I at least would have made sure not to have my face and dick in the same picture!
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