Originally Posted by jonn3
It amazes me how many times you see pictures - clearly guys in a college dorm or some such set up - naked - hard and showing their face.
As you say - those pictures will exist somewhere forever. And even if you did not post it with your name - somewhere - someday - somehow - someone will recognize you.
It is like these guys think no one will ever know - and these days one of the first things HR people do when you interview for a job is "google" you - and if the first results are your dick pic or you face down drunk at a party - that is not going to help your chances.
I love looking at all the pictures - but I like to think if we had digital cameras and the Internet when I was in college I at least would have made sure not to have my face and dick in the same picture!
I believe that most guys do know. Sure, a few folks out there are patently dumb but the majority should know better.
I see Infopop's point, too. If very many people do it, then it becomes a sort of default to be expected, and lived with if not always approved of.
On some level, this may be the majority's backlash at the idea that employers should be allowed to control our private lives.
My old folks who used to run a sizeable business of their own in their time and day used to say, 'if you do not let the kid to run wild while at college and/or while young, he'd go wild on you when he starts working and has his family to support - a much worse of an option.