Originally Posted by ChristianPFC
I had a look at the listings and made some comments (have to pass check before being published). Doesn't look that bad. Please mark listings of places that are gone as such, but don't delete the listing. I like this on travelgayasia: "reported closed". There are various websites with mostly outdated information about gay venues. Unless you have someone on the ground to check, it's not worth pursuing this relying on updates by readers. I am busy enough with my life and blog.
Thank you! When these come up in my editing queue I'll get them online. I've been having a lot of emergencies and crises slowing me down lately, but I'm still updating the Sex Listings every business day, Monday through Friday. The comments there have to be reviewed and edited because some are not really readable, others are anonymous hook-up requests that really belong either here on the Message Board or on our CFS Personals (Communal Stalls), etc.
The last two or three years I've been putting comments on the page for a place, most often
Closed, deletion pending on places reported closed. Sometimes I have an expanded explanation, especially when the place's status is in doubt or it's an "historical landmark" of sorts for sex, like Chicago's
Bijou Theatre. At one time I deleted places that had been closed at least two years, but I've fallen behind on that due to the pressure of other work on the site and various personal matters.
On a side note, last week I purchased the licenses for the latest versions of the different software used for the Sex Listings and the Personals. I also purchased the license for another package I'll use for the CFS Home Page and related pages. All will be mobile-friendly. I expect that when I install this I can add a "custom field" to the database so that the Sex Listings pages will automatically display a "Closed" notice without me having to manually copy-and-paste or type words in. I'd also see if the Search functions could be set up so that users could choose whether to include or exclude closed places.
Down the road, the same developers offer a Message Board different from this archaic one and also integrated with all their other software. They also offer a Photo Gallery with the same integration. All would be up-to-date and easier to use together.
I know that for loyal users of the Message Board that would be a big change. I don't know when it will happen. Some always cringe a little bit at change; I know I do every time my PC tells me I have a Windows Software Update. Working in programming since the 1980s for small organizations with small budgets the mantra always was, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." However, with the vast changes in the Internet since I kludged together and integrated and customized the current CFS software for Keith, I believe the site is, in fact, "broke" and getting more so by the day.